YSaC, Vol. 1452: Vanity of Vanities, All is Colored Pencil
Here’s one to file under “unintentionally accurate:”
Free metal vanity!!
Who doesn’t want an all-metal vanity, with mirror and drawers? You do!!
You are correct. I do NOT, in fact want an all metal vanity, with mirror and drawers. So I don’t see why I should
Come rescue this beauty from the curb now, before the garbage collection takes it away on Tuesday morning!
If only there was some sort of visual record of what this item of furniture looked like…
(I forgot to take a photo of the vanity, so here’s a drawing of it. The metal is a lovely maroon color!)
Wait – didn’t you say this thing was sitting on your curb? Couldn’t you, I don’t know, walk to the window and take a picture of it? Then again, based on a lot of the crap on Craigslist, this may actually be a perfectly accurate reproduction. Or possibly better. Then again, the actual furniture may do a slightly better job of obeying the laws of perspective.
Thanks for the post and the title, Karla!
*hastily draws a picture of a pickup truck, with a stick figure behind the wheel*
I’m on my way, Sparky!!
Don’t forget to fill up the bee-truck before you bring it back. You can use my gas card.
:draws picture of credit card:
*draws upon all posessed artistic ability*
*quickly gives up as there are no flat surfaces on ability*
*wanders off looking for an halibut to draw upon*
Can you hastily draw stick-figure families on a hastily drawn pickup? Or, in this surreal world of Sparky, would they be life-like family portraits on said pickup?
It’s a steel!
In this very special episode of Blue’s Clues, Magenta gets hooked on Milk Bones, gives away all of Steve’s possessions on CraigsList, and joins a cult.
Or as drmk and Dan like to call it, Tuesday.
I thought Tuesday was yak-shaving day?
I hope so Ghostie, about Tuesdays, otherwise this large cut-throat razor in my hand is sure going to disturb the neighbours …. and others whilst I head for the desert to find the yak. Or is yak a eufon / euph / a substitute for something rude? Beavers, anyone? Corner?
No, today is “calming the kernel” day.
So, no using the words
ignor*nt r*cist wh* c*n’t f*nd B*lize
I don’t shave my “yak” anymore. It itches way too much when the hair starts growing back.
I haven’t had any coffee slices for awhile, so I’ll be in the corner.
It can’t be both?
Why go all the way to the desert, TigPrincess? Just draw a yak.
I tried drawing a yak, but all I got was the two of clubs…
:flips through Comma Sutra:
Here we go, page 219.37 – Shaving the Paper Yak.
:turns book sideways:
The Ostrimu must be double-jointed.
Never mind shaving the yak. Just put a hat on the badger and we’ll call it a day.
I think I recall Tuesday being pirate “pajama” day.
Harold and his purple crayon are all grown up!
This seems a little sketchy to me.
It looks like he’s holding up a tiny door, complete with doorknob. Very surreal.
Perhaps it’s a regular sized door and Sparky just has an incredibly large thumb.
No, it’s a cookbook!
“To Serve Van(ity)”
Sorry, I’m looking for a lovely maroon metal vanity that tilts to the right.
I don’t want a metal vanity (drawing of one or otherwise). But I could use an exclamation point. Sparky seems to have a spare.
I think Sparky’s off his meds again. Where else would you find a metal vanity but in a home for the mentally challenged? It was probably bolted to the floor and I’d lay odds the “mirror” is like those in highway rest stop bathrooms – really shiny metal. It also explains the crayon; they don’t trust Sparky with pens or pencils. The question is…how did Sparky unbolt it and haul it to the curb without getting caught?
He probably pulled it up with his bare hands, just like he did that water fountain.
ghostie….I heart you so much…
Is that a OFOTCN reference? HA!
One cukoo flew over the rest?
He put it on the curb to wait with Mr. Trashcan and Mr. A Bunch of Miscellaneous Lint, until Mr. Janitor comes.
I don’t think I could listen to the all-metal vanity for too long. Do they have a crudely drawn soft-rock vanity instead?
See, I’m from the 80’s, so I’m totally happy with metal vanities, but its all that hair.
But on the plus side there’s open shirts and tight leather pants.
Beats the heck out of tight leather shirts and open…
Goodnight everybody!
Not only is the drawing an accurate representation, it’s actual size. Sparky was afraid a photo of the doll house vanity itself would give away the delightful surprise that awaits the unsuspecting bargain hunter. In other words, it’s an art project.
What idiot painted this vanity purple?
Umm boss? I think that’s maroon.
Ok, what maroon painted this vanity purple?
I’m really not into metal, especially for my vanities. Classic would be better, or maybe something with a country western flair. The last vanity I got had a polka thing going on. But, you know, if you like metal, you should just go for it.
Portal in spacetime to the left of vanity not to scale.
vanity of vanities; all is vanity
And it’s metal, so the bonfire of the vanities is a waste of good wood.
Yes that is all well and good, but can he draw it inside a boa constrictor?
Only if he draws a flashlight as well. Otherwise it’d be too dark.
If Sparky’s inside a boa constrictor, I should hope he’d draw a knife or a light saber or something he could use to get out, instead of drawing this POS vanity.
It is a pretty good little doodle, but yeah, go outside and get a pic ya loon! Some Sparkies’ kids, I tell ya.
ghostcat has the Google-fu,
She can put a hex on yu!
All you Sparkies should beware,
or this Punchity Punch Punch she will share!
Good Morning, Pictionary Teams!
Actually, is that drawn on a card from a library’s card catalog? Somewhere, somebody’s Dewey Decimal System is missing an entry.