YSaC, Vol. 1406: The Rest Is Noise
new music stand – $25
Put music stand i. Subject box for a responce please.. 25.00 wit carrying case
Ah yes, the “New Music” stand. Actually, it’s perfectly possible that someone has written a piece of music requiring the use of a live catch animal trap to hold up the music. After all, music has been written requiring the exclusive use of an organ for 639 years, a string quartet with each member in its own helicopter, and, astonishingly enough, Ke$ha. So why not a piece of music that involves reading the score off a Hav-A-Hart trap? The only way it would be more avant garde is if there were a live squirrel in the trap. Or maybe Justin Bieber (assuming there’s a difference).
Thanks for the post, Skye!
Is this like the “new math”? It comes ‘wit’ a carrying case! No lack of wit here.
It’s ok if you have an exess of wit. Fortunately, Sparky here is offering a carrying case for it at the low, low price of $25.
It’s too early to be RickRolled. I won’t stand for it.
Then have a seat.
Let’s see if I can logic this out; you could conceivably balance an iPod, a cd player, or a radio (or even all three) on top of the trap, having the device(s) possibly in an upright or *standing* position. Yep, that’s a music stand.
Awww….look at you trying to apply logic and shit to a Sparky. Aren’t you cute!
So… you basically have to catch your own choir?
That’s how we did it in the old days, but now with all the choir rights activists and lobbies the most you can do is just tag ’em on the ear and release them back into the wild.
All God’s critters got a place in the choir, some sing low and some sing higher;
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire, some just clap their hands or paws or anything they’ve got now.
Have you seen Celtic Thunder singing this song? The youngest member sings the bass. Just wow!
If with you telling us, I was still impressed with that bass!
‘Even’ not ‘if’
Where did that ‘if’ come from?
message to youth everywhere: never type after a couple ‘recreational beverages’
Nonono, you have it all wrong. There’s CLEARLY been a typo here. The ad should read:
“Put music stand in box for a response please.”
They’re looking to buy a stand (with case!) for $25 and want it to be able to fit inside the box (trap). Maybe they want to be able to capture singing Disney animals?
I thought the subject box was another term for a witness box..
Is our music itself on trial here? Or has Sparky been baiting the trap with violin sections to capture conductors?
Wait are you asking if my ‘music stand’ will fit in your ‘box’
(yes, I know ‘it’s a trap!”)
Ahhh, the corner, my old friend
This is the music stand that you need if you want to perform “Catch Me if You Can.”
But only if you play it on the trap drums.
*cue Admiral Akbar*
It’s a trap set!
*Kicks a rock and walks away*
*place Admiral Ackbar quote here*
You got there first 3D!
Remember to leave the doors unlocked; otherwise the contents of this music stand will be decomposing.
I see what you did there.
Like voting you should check your tap-lines early and often.
Anything else is irresponsible. (and potentially cruel)
Somewhere, someone is trying in vain to catch a skunk with a music stand, and it’s not pretty.
I like to think Sparky actually used the picture be meant to use, he just had no earthly clue what that metal thing was. Like me. Thank you, O benificent Ostrimu (Bees and whatnot), for identifying the live trap so I don’t have to let everyone know I could not. Oh, wait…
— insert John Cage reference here. But first think about it for 4 minutes and 33 seconds. —
One, I think the couch would look better over in that corner. 8) Wink wink, nudge nudge! Punchity Punch Punch!
Good Morning, Trapper John!
The difference between Justin Beiber and a trap full of live squirrels:
Squirrels are cuter
Squirrels have better hair
One is a noisy, squalling, ball of hair; the other is a bunch of squirrels…
But I’m not sporting any hair! … on my head.