YSaC, Vol. 1117: Another brik in the wall.
Special Eduaton Research (open)
I am a college student that is in search for someone who knows special eduation very well. I have four speical eduations essay questions that I am looking for help on. I will be glad to compensate for your help. If interested, contact me and we can talk.
Do you want to be an eduator? Of ourse you do! Here at the Speical Eduation Reasaerh Enter, we pride ourselves on teahing people to be the best eduator they an be. We have been teahing the fine points of ating edus for over a entruy. It’s not so simple to ate an edu; that’s why not everyone is ut out to be an eduator.
Thanks, Andy!
The poster made it into college and never learned to spell the word education correctly? Even going as far as spelling it two different ways (three if you count the unnecessary pluralization of the word). That’s so speical.
Dunno, they may qualify for “bright despite dim” lauding for pluralizing the leading term in a conjoined term.
Clown or hamburger?
I’m thinking model academy. You just need to look pretty, so who cares about speeling?
Tire University.
Their use of zing words is pretty nice.
“Trim and Upholstery Technology”
Looking at the course description, “Technology” apparently means “Sewing Machine.”
“Applied Service Management”
As opposed to Theoretical Service Management.
It’s been my experience that service in most shops is theoretical; thereby requiring management.
While working my way thru college I was a Detail Technician. Definition: janitor.
When I was in school I attended a professional seminar on “Public Needs and Awareness Engineers” by two professionals trained in such.
They seemed rather upset when we asked them what the difference between their job and marketing was. And even more upset when they couldn’t come up with an answer.
Wouldn’t it be easier to ask, um, I don’t know… a special education teacher? You know… the one that is obviously teaching you, Sparks?
To be fair to Sparky, Teachers are less likely to do his homework for him than random people from the internet.
I do people’s homework for them all the time over at Yahoo!Answers. Pity that I never actually know what I’m talking about.
Taco, would’ve been nice to know that before I incorporated the things you told me into my paper on Dante’s Inferno.
You can ask the questions, but the answers are in the book.
When your life is an open book, resist the urge to flip to the last page and find out how it ends.
In the book of my life, the last page reads:
“All characters portrayed in this life are entirely fictional and any resemblance to people living or dead is is purely coincidental.”
Crap. I did anyway. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that Sparky is Keyser Soze.
Note, not one word about the undead, or braaaaaiiiinas or OMG Zomb
I have a relative who is a special ed teacher. I think she would tell you a few things, but they might not be the answers to the questions you are asking.
How can you have your diploma
If you don’t learn your spelling?
*Pouts some more*
Why didn’t someone tell me it’s Pick on Taco Day! I love this holiday!
Windy, every day is Pick On Taco Day.
Why is everybody always picking on me?
You make it very easy for us, SexyFingers.
Because… tacos are delicious?
Hey, stop picking or you’ll get impetigo!
Er, impetaco, er empenada, er . . .
Just Stop It–or’s it’s Scabies and medical experiments for the lot of you!
Sparky’s first language may not be English.
Well done Ralph – suddenly I have this intense craving for a big swig of mescal.
Garcon, more doors for my friend here.
You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
We Don’t Need No Eduation just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
I think “eduation” may be a direct result of the song.
Because, Y’ know Nina’s.
I can’t adore this enough.
I called about this gig, but he wanted to ompensate me with bleeding piggy banks and clay models of the short bus. I demanded something more valuable, and all he had were posters of boy bands. That’s so not even on the favorites list!
I don’t blame you, Windy. After years of haggling and trying to calculate an appropriate price in oil fider warches, I now accept payment only in dead lizards. It makes everything easier.
For you, maybe. Not for the lizards!
I live in a town with a university known for it’s Education department. When I was a youngster, I took speech therapy in their Special Education department. I know a few of the professors in the Education department.
This is an insult to all of that.
Teachers do not get paid enough. And that’s all I have to say about that.
As a professor of education at a university known for its teacher education program, I concur.
I’d be scared if we were talking about the same school.
Do you know Dan Rather?
Lil’ further north than you, I think. As in, pretty much all the way further north.
IF didn’t go to 12 years of school just to be called Mr. Horrible.
But how often does he get to use that PhD in Horribleness?
Wow, the box is crowded today! You people were in top form yesterday. Here’s the keys, someone let them out now and then to stretch their legs and get a drink.
Windy, I looked, and I didn’t see a punch on yesterday’s post! I always check back to see you punch people, but there was no show!
Egad! You’re right. I went back and looked too. And now I don’t remember who was in the box. This is a calamity. (sigh) I’ll be right as rain sometime in January.
Might not, WR.
Yesterday a coirker asked me if I was on the phone with April, and I had to tell them that I was still on hold for January.
Sadly: they didn’t get it.
Clearly, ol’ Sparky here is lost at C.
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with ‘C’.
There, fixed it for you.
Well now you just sound like the Librarian in Discworld.
CJ I can’t give enough doors for a Discworld reference. And somewhere I know I have written down his real name…not sure why I needed it, but the Discworld just affects you like that. Well, maybe it’s only me.
I always thought the word was “edumacation”, now I find out it’s really “eduation”.
Popeye owes me a ‘splaination.
What do you expect from a C-man?
Speaking of words that start with c… hi, corner!
Here are your answers:
10am, but only on Tuesdays.
Maybe. If he’s in the mood.
Also, here are your missing letters: c i c -i i c -s. If you can’t figure out what to do with those, your paper will receive an automatic F——–.
The worst part?
Sparky is a collage student.
Suddenly it all makes sense… Lots of purty pitchures…
If I ever get to be a collage student, I want this person as my professor.
hat te uck?!
Ralph, Bianchi, Ghostie, and Ed! Punhity Punh Punh!
Good Morning, Mr. Floyd.