YSaC, Vol. 1051: Won’t you tell us about those carpets, George?
georges rug 5’3 x 7’9 – $40
this is a georges rug still in the bag it was left behind by my parents and it just doesent go with my house. I can be reached by e mail.
What if my name isn’t George? Can I still buy the rug?
Oh wait – I know! I’ll get a rabbit! And I will hug him and squeeze him and pat him and pet him and I will call him George. And then he can buy me this rug.
Thanks for the link, Amy!
Darn, I was looking for a Bobs rug. I guess I will have to keep looking.
George’s Fantasy rug?
Pass. Just … I’ll pass on this one. I really, really don’t want to know. Patterns like that can hide a multitude of
stainssins.I’m with you, Lola. Anything fabric (couches, rugs, mattresses) is scary to buy used. And that pattern looks like every bedspread on every motel I’ve stayed in for ten years. Blech.
FM, I think my comment was influenced by a message just a few moments before from a friend who teaches junior high. Apparently their building janitor checked their classroom carpets (note: “back in my day” … linoleum was what we had and it still seems more practical than carpeting) with black light … and they are ALL getting new carpets because the biohazard “designs” were off the charts. EW.
Also, FM, your “anything fabric” caveat in my area is must-t0-avoid in general with used furnishings not because of biohazard but because of bedbugs. Disgusting and itchy!
Damn it George, that’s it, we’re getting rid of your rug!
With George wrapped in it?
:looks around:
Who said that?
*Kramer bursts in.*
“Hey George, I’ll take that rug off your hands. It’ll go great with my Tony.”
“I dunno Kramer…”
“Come on! I’ll give ya five bucks for it!”
*Kramer checks Jerry’s fridge.*
“Mmmm, salami..hey Jerry mind if I-”
“Take it.”
Another in the famous “Left Behind” series. Definitely not an example of rapture.
Georges Braque designed this rug during an acid-induced fantasy. It was left behind by my parents in a house in Prince George’s County. It just doesn’t go with my house or any other house on earth.
But I hear it really ties the International Space Station together.
So… one of her parents is named George I guess. Seems a bit of trivial knowledge when trying to sell a rug, though.
Tell me about the rabbits again…. 🙂
Hey, I recognize that rug! It’s from George’s Discount Carpets. You’d better buy it here because that store went out of business three times already.
I got one at their third annual going-out-of-business sale. I can hardly wait until the fourth.
Yes, George’s discount carpets! Only the finest machine woven carpets sold at the lowest prices! And now, at our going out of buisness sale, you can save even more!
Yes, come to George’s Discount Carpets: going out of buisness for the last 10 years to save you money!
Hey, it works for some people! Sub Pop Records in Seattle once had the slogan “Going out of business since 1988.” (Note: they are still around.)
There was also that persian carpet store across from the Eliot Bay Book Company that had been going out of buisness for at least a decade. I think they eventually did go under, though.
Had a rug place here that advertised going out of business over the course of many years. Their published discounts were 57% and 73%. *head tilt*
(ot/TCB) Archie: Your question Friday re Hubby Monkey’s silicone/cortizone shots: His dr gave him the shots to try and repair his ruptured discs to take pressure off of nerves leading to his arm and shoulder. Dr said that if the pain went away (which it did) then the pressure on the nerves was relieved.
Didn’t mean to ignore ya, Friday was busy.
Np. Thanks for the info, FM. I figured you were up to important monkey business 🙂 Did that come out correctly?
FM, if you ever do a blog, you should call it Important Monkey Business. 8)
*makes note of cool title*
Do I have to give y’all royalties from this? 🙂
The border only goes around three sides. Did somebody cut a rug? 8)
Wait, wait! How can we tell if the carpet matches the rug? LOL I crack myself up.
That carpet matches no known drapes, I am guessing.
Nah, it’s a hipster rug. They just think it’s ‘difforent’.
Though in reality all of those modern hipster rugs do the same exact thing!
So it’s covered in clove cigarette burns, PBR stains and has maxed out it’s parents credit cards?
And its neighbors find it highly annoying, yes.
And smells bad?
Ghostie – it is parents credit cards? Two wrong possessives in one sentence; have you been studying with Taco?
The student has’ become the master…
Why did that look like “the student has become the MINISTER”? It’s time to go back to the eye doctor. Or the shrink.
Grampdaddy, here’s a new rug for the box. Enjoy!
So not fair! You didn’t decorate the box when I was in there! Oh wait, I DID get to play with Taco’s thong. Cool, all’s good.
You know, I’ve been thinking about upgrading to a new, better TacoThong. I could always leave the old one in the box for our daily chosen’s pleasure.
Hey, an idea: We should all contribute something personal to the box to be displayed, like rock star memorabilia in restaurants. Grampdaddy could donate a cane, Ghostcat could give a hairball, Windrose a feather, and so on. What could I donate? What would say “Funky Monkey”? Hum….
*rustles in cabinet*
*mumbles to self*
Old banana, last year’s calendar, sneakers from 10 years ago, ew, is that supposed to be green?
I’ll study on it.
FM, you are FULL of good ideas! I can donate an entire fan made of feathers! Held together with guano. It’s all the rage in Europe.
Tag it and throw it in, Windy! I’m still searching for that special something that says “me”.
*rummage rummage cursing*
An old sock with holes in it, hi-liters from college (graduated 15 years ago), jeans from 1997 (great GREAT year), pair of Hubby’s old OH MY GOD IT’S MOVING HELP ME JEEBUS!!!!
*wham wham wham with shoe*
Back to work. Whew.
Old dot-matrix printer, paper for printer, rotary dial phone (yep, still got one)….
This will take a while.
I still have some clothes from 1998 (my personal favorite year)
Fantasy rug, aka dreamy merkin.
Bad puppy!
Here’s a treat. You earned it. 8)
Spurious George.
George is the brand name for a certain mega-mart’s line of clothing. Although I am fairly certain this rug is too ugly even for them.
CJ’s advertising on YSaC! Whee!
Awww…shucks, Taco, thanks…
Now, EVERYONE go read the blog…because, I’m evil and could probably track y’all down if it became necessary.
Just sayin’…..
The picture reminds me of the saying; “If you can’t say something nice, come sit by me.”
Smedley! A”Steel Magnolia” quote! I think someone likes the chick flicks.
I think it was Miss Lola’s hero Dorothy Parker that said it first. I could be mistaken.
[Corey] actually, the “if you can’t say something nice, come sit by me” quote is from Alice Roosevelt Longworth. She was pretty bad-ass. [/corey]
CJ, your blog is wonderful splendiferous! And more fun to indulge in daily than my gummy bear vitamins. Probably will ensure I live longer, too. Yay!
I love the blog! Well, I only read the most current post, but it sure got me a-thinking. My new roommates are a mixed race couple. They apparently have received some flack from some places for it. Makes me so mad.
I contributed some stories of backward-ness from good old Tennessee. Makes me mad AND sad. And embarrassed.
Wow, y’all…thank you…no really, no snarkiness…just thank you.
Many doors for two Warner Bros. cartoon references nearly back to back.
Oh, good, some slutty deer has been rolling around on this carpet.
Allow me to point out that I am a cat not in the bag.
And will not respond to mail addressed “e”.
But, would have to get up and flehmen female deer smell, though. [roll-over, blink, wash,wash]
Just talked to Peg (who is holding my hat for me) and she says that obviously, if its at the FRONT door it’s Matt, but at the BACK door, it must be George.
Matt: Liquor
George: Poker
Got it.
Congierge! I need a new keyboard! This one has been baptized with liquid.
stupid spell check
Uhm, LL, are you always that dark?
*this is my new favorite nonsense question*
What? We’re not in an energy blackout? WTH?
I was making a ‘political statement’.
It represents the state of my mind.
It’s a picture of my dead computer’s innards.
I’m starting a new avatar trend.
*any or all of these may or may not be true.
Just gotta say it: Grampdaddy, I love your Jeopardy post that got you in the box. I’d give Hubby Monkey’s left eye* to be as funny as you. If you ever go on tour I’m SO THERE!!! (I’ll be the drunk blonde chick up front that’s getting kicked out for lighting up).
*I wanted to put “Hubby Monkeys left something-else-if-you-know-what-I-mean”, but I’m trying to behave so YSaC is no longer considered pron and Llamanun (BBUH) can get more sponsors.
Grampdaddy, here’s a gentle punchity punch punch ideal for a senor citizen. 8)
G’Night, Perversia!
*here’s a gentle punchity punch punch ideal for a senor citizen. 8)
Hey Taco – I think I found the punch you were missing. It was in the corner of the box under FM’s stories.