YSaC, Vol. 822: Drrrty.
Never been used assortment of high-end professional cleaning products. Mint condition! Come and get them before the sinkhole vortex carries them away into a dark abyss!
This “dark abyss” you speak of … I think that’s the corner cabinet of my kitchen. I’m convinced that trolls live in there. Dan will say, “Honey, where’s the turkey roasting pan?”, and I’ll answer, “It’s in the troll cabinet!” And then he’ll crawl into the cabinet in search of the pan and be gone for about an hour. Then he’ll come out, dust himself off, and inexplicably be carrying a small wrapped box of Turkish Delight. This is why we don’t make turkey very often. (That, and my bad habit of naming the Thanksgiving turkey.)
Thanks, Crystal!
This is one of the few times that I believe that the item has not been used. Those are the dirtiest cleaning products I’ve ever seen. I’d take them, but I’d have to get something to clean them with first.
I know – why don’t you search Craigslist for some professional cleaning products?
That’s a great idea, my professionals are always in need of a good cleaning. Especially the politicians; I just can’t seem to keep them out of the mud.
I like my professionals dirty. Because – say it with me – they’re cricket players. Professional cricket players.
Professional dirty cricket players….
Oh look, I seem to have wandered into a gutter again.
[matt]It seems to be impossible to clean a politician, at least in the last 40 years or so. Although most seem to be covered with a non-stick coating, they all appear to be filthy underneath. I think it was Will Rogers who said, “We have the best Congress money can buy.” That may not be exact, but it’s the thought that counts. [/matt]
Reina, you avatar makes me think that a cricket player just removed his shirt somewhere to your left and you’re sizing him u.
I would probably look far, far less composed if that were the case*. There would also be significantly more glazing and drooling.
*Judging by my reaction when I met Shaun Pollock, which was a few flung-together word fragments amid high-pitched squeaking noises.
You women view scantily clad men as objects rather than as people – disgusting!
Brought to you by NOM (HeHeHee)……..
So…you think I need to replace my glass cabinets with kennels and start taking them out for daily walks? No way, dude, that is totally going to bring down their resale value!
Ah, a collector. Everyone needs a hobby…….
Psst! Camille! Look, up in the box! It’s a bear! It’s a spaniel! It’s — it’s you!
All hail Camille!
That red bottle actually looks a bit like a bottle of wine. Depending on how challenging it is to get the cleaning products clean, it might be utilized afterward …
Wait, you mean the red bottle isn’t wine? I’ll put the glasses back on the shelf.
Don’t tell me you went to the trouble of washing them!
No, I never wash the wine glasses. You lose the flavor doing that, I just keep them on a shelf.
Is the shelf under this sink?
BTW, I love that drmk and Dan have a “troll cabinet.” I had a “troll pantry” in the last place I lived. I couldn’t let the cat in because there were holes in the wall and I didn’t know where they went or whether he’d be able to get back. :/
Addendum to above comment: I also like drmk’s Turkish Delight reference, because it reminds me that I refer to my cat’s daily need to explore all the closets in the house as “Narnia check.” I have an actual wardrobe that he once tried to get into and I was all “No.” I know the difference between real life and books, but I am not taking any chances! He’d probably start hanging out with Aslan and come back with even more attitude than he has now.
When I first got the wardrobe I totally got inside of it for a laugh and when I started to tell the friend I’d bought it from that I did it she cut me off and predicted what I would say, and then said she’d done the exact same thing. Lit-geeks are my people.
Am I the only person who was terrified after finishing the Narnia series? It might have been due to the fact that I read them around the same time that I was going through Pennance and First Communion, but the seriously freaked out on my mom when I finished the last book and told her that she was going to hell for wearing stockings and lipstick.
No no no I haven’t read The Last Battle yet, don’t ruin it.
The only reason I know the “Turkish Delight” reference is Narnia is from a vignette on
“Robot Chicken”. I think I was too busy reading the “Rings” trilogy for the
umpteenth time in my youth.
Boy, no edit makes me look tweaky. I guess I’m not waffled up enough yet.
I just finished listening to the whole Narnia series on audio books in the middle of my 5th decade. Enjoyed all but the Final Battle. If you have seen the movie The Shadowlands, you know what CS was going through when he wrote that one. I missed the first Narnia movie, because I wasn’t familiar with the books yet, and now I wonder why they are filming The Voyage of The Dawn Treader next? OR did I miss another one?
[Narnia corey]They’re filming them in the original order in which I read them as a child. Voyage of the Dawn Treader was third back then. Someone got the bright idea of reordering them chronologically, which has never worked for me. When I reread them, I still read them like this:
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Horse and His Boy
The Magician’s Nephew
The Last Battle
The movies suck, though[/corey]
They skipped The Horse and His Boy because it does not star the Pevensies, and they wanted to make the ones that did before the actors got too old. Or so the little birdies told me.
But I like Stephanae’s explanation better. =D
Funny, I was just thinking I liked yours better, Laurelhach. 😀
I read them in the original order, also, and always re-read them that way. But, I have an audio set that puts them in the new order, so I listened to them in the new order, just to see what it was all about, and it wasn’t too bad. I’ve read them so many times, though, it doesn’t really make much difference. I enjoyed having them in my car, and may re-listen, rather than re-read, next time.
I also think the movies suck.
I was obsessed with the Narnia books as a child, and once spent an entire summer trying to get there – via wardrobes, shrubberies, anything that seemed to work in the books. Tragic.
Did you try a painting?
Their order is the one in which my set came in 30 years ago and there is no other, as far as I’m concerned. Any other order (even if based on the internal chronology of the series) is heresy! Heresy! I say.
I’m with you, Lola! Although, I could possibly be persuaded that The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; and The Last Battle are a series, while the other two are one-off stories in the same universe.
My niece cannot believe me when I tell her they were ever in another order. But the original order is the one they were written in, and that’s the way I believe they should be read. I doubt I would have been as enthralled if I began with “The Magician’s Nephew.” Or, for that matter, if I’d had to read “The Horse and His Boy” before “Prince Caspian” and “Dawn Treader.”
Oh, and look! I’m in the box!
Changing the order was really dumb. It spoils the “magic” of the wardrobe if you read A Horse And His Boy first. That’s like watching the recent Star Wars movies before going back and watching the originals. The scene in Empire where Luke meets Yoda is spoiled and you already know that Darth Vader is Luke’s father.
I personally thought the red bottle was an old fire extinguisher. Which I would need as soon as I cleanse all the cleaning supplies by fire. Lots of fire.
Get a mask if you do that. I think that some of those chemicals on fire might make that Hungarian industrial accident look like a little incident.
[cranky morning corey]
Y’know, if this were in my local CL, I’d call the appropriate FD and give them the location to send the HazMat team out.
Fisrt off, the HMT can always use a bit of practice.
Second, they’d probably like going to a location that was not fully engulfed in flames.
Third, if that is the “cleaning products” cabinet; there’s worse situations in greater need for hazard reduction in that, hou-,er,ah, dwelling.
But, I’m cranky this morning. Joints are being achy. Everyone else went to brunch without me. No waffles here, either–no milk (and none likely, for the same finacial abesentmindedness that would have put a pickle to burnch anyway).
Harumph. Sad-clown Moko (internal) sort of day.
The red bottle will soon have it’s own reality TV special: “When MD40 Goes Bad – Tales of Dysentery”. Coming soon to a Fox network near you.
[Google]Did you mean:WD40? [/Google]
Sorry Gramps, I just noticed this pattern you started last night of defaulting to M words. Is this a code? Melon? Minty? Mother? Montana? Migratory? Methamphetamine?
I think he just added up MD 20 20
Maybe it’s a combo of MD 20/20 and WD-40, which sounds like the two things you’re not supposed to mix together in chemistry class or you’ll blow the school up.
Jinx 1, 2, 3
Hmmm…there’s some WD40 in the shed…where can I get this “MD 20/20?” I suggest you avoid asking why I am wondering.
NMN – here is your Mad Dog 20/20………
I’ve been drinking for decades and have never seen MD 20/20. It must be one of those types of alcohol that never make their way to Utah. Not that bumwines are my vintage of choice, anyway.
Stephanae – don’t bother. I was an active alcoholic for a decade, and I wouldn’t (hardly ever) touch the stuff. *shudder* It’s just nasty.
Hey, that’s practically what I live off of since the price of Bacontinis inflated!
**winks at LRC**
teehee *hiccup*
I think he just added up MD 20 20
Of course not Hammy! – If I’d added it up, I would have had a total of 47. This is CL math, and don’t you forget it!
Stephanae, are you a Utahn too? There are a couple of us here 🙂
Yes, EB, I was born and raised in the Beehive State and never really got away for very long. I’ve lived all around Salt Lake Valley, and I did a stint in Ogden. I’m currently in Draper. My family’s roots are in the Uinta Basin. And even though I pronounce the word “currant” just as it should be and the word “creek” with a long “e” sound, I still call Currant Creek “Kernt Krick.” Well, because that’s its name. (And lest ye outsiders think I spelled current wrong, the creek is named after a berry.)
I live down in Happy Valley–came out for school in 2004 and now we’re waiting on MrEB to finish his degree (which isn’t going very fast, since he’s been working full-time for almost 2 years :-p). Miss Nomer lives somewhere in between us… If there is a YSaC get-together in Vegas, we totally have to carpool :-p
Is MrEB goin’ ta the Y, then? Or to whatever it is they’re calling UVCC these days? Happy Valley often makes me very unhappy inside of 10 minutes. I think it’s something in the air.
The three of us should definitely carpool for the Vegas get together! Or for most any other get together within driving distance, since we’re, at most, 45 minutes away from each other.
We should also get together for coffee some day! Or for a clean, wholesome smoothie if coffee is a no go.
NMN, you’re not old enough to buy it. And even when you are, don’t. It’s a vile concoction, which tastes terrible (regardless of flavor) and, if you do drink very much, will leave you with a stonking hangover. I once tried the “orange” and it tasted like orange-flavor baby asprin dissolved in rubbing alcohol, which may well be what it is.
See, it’s quite easy to do what I’m thinking. Take a glass bottle, put a glass divider in the middle, fill one side with WD40, fill the other side with MD20/20, you got yourself a makeshift grenade. Why, yes, I did think about this too much.
[underage drinker corey] When I was NMN’s age, I took a friend’s ID to the liquor store, thinking I was totally getting away with something. I did get away with it, but upon seeing the prices, and having a part time, minimum wage job, I bought the only booze I could afford, a small bottle of Fleischman’s vodka and the blue bottle of MD 20/20. I think I spent a grand total of $6 and regretted it for several days. I probably would have been better off huffing WD40. [/corey]
Quite likely that dissolving gray-market children’s chewable asprin in isopropyl would be healthier than the MD2020, be the least bit of analgesic effect as the gastric lining ulcerated.
Would be an outstandinly bad improvised anti-personnel device coupled with water-displacement formula #40–unless you could get the targeted personnel to ingest it. Even then, human reflexes would probably prevent much actual damage.
About the only thing it’d be good for is gaming. Sparky could have a ‘lair.’ And he’d spend, 20,30 turns (all at least as +20 Health) to create a product with maybe 0.25 DP (and that only after rolling 145+ with 4 20-sided die). Unless we count the possibility that the device is tipped over, and clothing has a spot bleached out . . .
MD40 is actually a mixed drink made with MD 20/20 and prune juice. It is only for those over 40, hence the name. Normally served with a bran muffin and Ex-Lax chocolate chip cookies.*
*None of this is even vaguely true – thank god.
Rum and Milk of Magnesia.
It’s called a Phillips Screwdriver.
When I was in college, there was a total dive bar we used to go to that featured a “house” drink called a Blast Off. It was a glass of Heileman’s Old Style beer (already not a good start) with a shot of MD20/20 dropped into it, and you drank it as fast as you could. (Because otherwise you would taste it, I imagine.)
Even as one who drank some sketchy stuff in her alcoholic career, I must ask myself, “why?”
Sounds like bad stuff, but can it kill you?
Good God. People really will do anything to get drunk, won’t they?
And BTW, one of my college friends who drank Blast Offs with me married a guy who turned out to be a seizure-having, ER-visiting brand of alcoholic. After their divorce (precipitated by – wait for it – his alcoholism) he went back to his native Colombia, drank a mixture of Colombian Ouzo and rubbing alcohol, and died.
That MD 20/20’s lookin’ better all the time, ennit?
My usual response when someone asks why I quit drinking is, “I drank it all, and had to stop so the distilleries could catch back up.”
Yeah, I usually say that I drank enough in college to hold me at least for the rest of this lifetime.
Andie, that sounds like a family member of mine who, I hope, is finally getting some help after an ER visit. The amount of straight vodka they would drink in a day would have killed me long ago, and I’m not a small person.
I’ll send some good juju his/her way. We don’t all get to get sober. That’s why I am so grateful; I’m not special, I just got a miracle. I’m trying to deserve it. : )
We clearly need to redefine what “mint condition” means. I believe if you looked up mint condition in a dictionary and this was the picture that appeared, the caption would read, “Mint condition: this ain’t it!”
Maybe Sparky means it’s in the same condition as a mint. A mint that has been left under the sink for a year or two, but a mint nonetheless.
Or a starlite mint that’s been in the bottom of grandma’s purse since the Carter administration.
And that she always offers you when you hug her at family gatherings.
Is that before or after she pinches your cheeks?
Obviously, (to me, anyways) it’s in mint condition because it’s never been moved, touched, or otherewise disturbed.
New from the Umbrella Corporations Hive facility deep under Raccoon City, It’s Minty Mold!
Hate cleaning?
Hate the smell when you don’t?
Well no longer, with new Minty Mold your troubles are O V E R!
Just drop the blue vial in your house and all microorganisms will be genetically transformed to exude a nice minty fresh aroma!
Your guests will all say, “Ewwwwwwwwww…But Minty Fresh.”
Get your’s now for twenty-seven easy payments of $8.34
But that’s not all, if you call before the Zombie apocalypse receive a fee sample of Pet Poo Peppermint. Now you pet waste can be minty fresh too!!
Just call 1-976-Not.A.Zomb*
*Warning Minty Mold may cause a slight skin rash or the spontaneous zombification of all living things
I read this on Cracked: What exactly was Umbrella’s business plan? How did they plan on making money?
Don’t the collectors of any particular item define what “mint condition” means for that item? I’ve never met a collector of professional cleaning products, but if Sparky is one and tries to keep his cleaning products in mint condition, it goes a long way toward explaining why it looks like that under his sink.
It’s possible that collectors of cleaning products expect them to look like this in mint condition. If they were clean, it might mean they had been used.
This is my lucky day! I can use the free products to clean the tar out of the jar of change that I picked up on Thursday!
If the sinkhole does carry the cleaning supplies into the dark abyss….would it no longer be a dark abyss? A sparkling white abyss would be a first for me.
A Clean, Well Lighted Abyss. Hmm, that doesn’t even change the tone of the story.
I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I think “white” and “abyss” are oxymorons. When I think abyss, I think deep, dark, bottomless, inherently evil, etc. White is light, to me. Light and dark contrast.
Al Sharpton is here to see you, NMN.
Anything is possible with verse, NMN:
I stare into the white abyss
of my canvas.
My soul is screaming in pain,
my fingers itch to capture the sound,
placing it into the white abyss,
but my fingers cannot move.
They only hover
[An uncertain child by the swings
hesitant to join the others].
I want to speak!
I want to show the sounds of my soul,
but my fingers are bound
[Invisible hands hold them shut;
I cannot pull them free].
What is holding me back?
Is it my fear,
my hurt,
my anger,
or simply
my own inadequacy?
by Riencuran
We may have covered this before, but…who is Al Sharpton?
The Reverend Al Sharpton would possibly be saying that your original comment was racist, NMN. It would require a somewhat complex explanation about black theory to tell you why, but the basic premise is that these stereotypes are racist: White and light are always good; black and dark are always evil.
P.S. You didn’t err nearly as badly as I did yesterday.
But…that’s not what I meant…
I know you didn’t! But that’s where all the complex theory part starts to come in.
For snark purposes, Al Sharpton tends to show up any time the words black or white are mentioned here, regardless of intent.
However, since we are on the subject, I would like to point out that contrary to candorman’s accusation, not everyone who reads this blog is white, so speaking as a mostly white person, if anyone has been offended, please accept my apology. Racism sucks.
Al Sharpton is a man with a vision. Here are some details. 8)
He worked with both James Brown and Don King. That explains the hair style.
I’d only add that all reflexive, biased, discriminations are bad.
(Descriminating between garden hoses and garden snakes, being good.)
But, I;m biased in this, having in the last year been discriminated against by my age, professional background, sex, employment status, creed, and credit score.
Not happy-making
For clarification on use of the Rev, here’s the following:
Astro, that sounds like a Lola quote. 8) I believe she was here earlier, but has gone off to investigate her flask. It could lead to Narnia.
I believe Astro may be quoting himself, there.
The flask has the weekend off because I am checking the work email.
I was paraphrasing myself, actually.
Ice crevasse often manages to combine lighter shades with impending doom, death, destruction; often with noises quite unearthly-sounding, the sound of the ice moving with wind in the nooks and torrured crannies being hair-raising at times.
It’s a spot the picture game! Let’s spot the different diseases and creepy objects!
There’s E. coli, some nice malaria, and oh look, plague from the 1400s! I see…the ax used by..err..that one lady (forgot her name, I’ll look it up later), looks like Jason’s machete, a shrunken head, a dessicated gremlin. Is that a body?! Oh no, it’s moving! Run, it’s a zomb-AHHHHHH!!!!
Windrose: Look, if he was dying, he wouldn’t have bothered to type ‘Ahhhh’. He’d just say it.
cristina: Maybe he was dictating it.
Windrose: Oh, all right then. That makes sense. *
*Not the original quote.
christina: Wait, here’s his arm. Eww!
Lizzie Borden?
There we go! Thanks, Lola.
My mom used to live across the street from the Lizzy Borden house in Newport. Apparently they’ve moved the house and turned it into a bed and breakfast.
Grampdaddy may know of which I speak.
re: rocks in sox, fox, ox, et. al.
Picture book written (published) in 1979. Written by Patricia Thomas, if I remember correctly. The title is the line that Lola remembered, I don’t remember much beyond that.
Paula Bunyan?
Paula Bunyan took an ox . . .
…and put her parents in a box…
…before pelting it with rocks…
…while wearing no socks…
Reina, we need a B rhyme, now. And the meter changes in the third line—”When she saw what she had done.”
Still, I don’t have a better third line, and I do like the potential images. Is she pelting the ox or the box with rocks? (It’s not every day you get to ask that question. I think I’ll go say it out loud three or four times.)
I take it all back. It might not scan perfectly, but I like our poem. Thanks Smedley, Reina, and NMN. Can we play this game more often?
This is reminding me of some book from primary grades: “‘There are rocks in my socks!’ said the ox to the fox.” That’s the only bit I remember. Those with small children/good memories/Grampdaddy may know of which I speak.
Manda, do you know? You’re the only one of us with Grampdaddy.
Up above here is a reply to Lola about the book she remembered – I hit the wrong reply box, so it ended up elsewhere. Consider it a “Where’s Waldo?” challenge. Or maybe a “Mere’s Maldo?” due to my recent propensity to insert “M” words in my comments. 🙂
By the way, Lola, I read your comment as, “Those with small children/good mammaries/Grampdaddy may know of which I speak.”
I was delighted, having long been a connoisseur of both small children and good mammalia.
Grampdaddy, as Bob Hope used to sing, Thanks for the mamaries!
And now to add something I see as totally relevant to the above thread of commentary:
There’s a shrew in my pith helmet.
Well, there’s a pith helmet on my shrew.
Would youth guyth thtop pithing in your helmetths
Turns out wife of a buddy of mine is a DVM, and has the complete line of plush diseases.
DVM? Plush Diseases?
Plush disease is what I should have told people I suffered from when I was overweight.
Yeah, cropped up here as a response to a thread.
There’s a line of medical teaching plush toys. MDSA, E. Coli, the STDs, all sorts of critters, all rendered as a stuffed toy.
Could not imagine who might buy one (the interested parties generally being impoverished and in debt), until I met the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who had the entire set.
People who do research into them find them very funny – my mother being one. In fact, since she sews beautifully, she might make some of her own. And while they are somewhat cartoonlike and cute (they’re clearly designed with a sense of humor), I can see where they are accurate enough that they are not without usefulness in teaching, as well.
I know this is coming late, but http://www.giantmicrobes.com is awesome. As someone who does research with one of those critters and has the plush version sitting on her desk, they make perfect sense to me.
“Sinkhole Vortex Anti-defamation League will be filing a slander suit on Monday,” according to spokesperson Whirlpool McSpin.
“Whirlpool McSpin is a fraud! You should only listen to Jacuzzi Rotate, only on Maelstrom News, on channel 10.”
There all fixed.
Oh, I do hope the Line comes back today! Such a nice, clean subject! I hope I didn’t catch that Exclamation Syndrome from the Red cylinder! It’s just the wine, I tell you!
I hope that was sarcasm. We all know the Line isn’t coming back. Also, I’d like to thanks Christina and Astro for teaching me how to do italics.
If you could call that a lesson, I was so tired and delirious with pain last night that I’m surprised any of my comments made sense.
FYI, to do bold, do the same thing but type “b” instead of the “i”, and “del” to strike through.
By: Christopher Gross
It’s not far down to the abyss
At least it’s is for me
And if the mold is thick you can squick away
And find vortices
Oh the cleaner can do miracles
Just you wait and see
Believe me
It’s not been never ever cleaned
No reason to pretend
And if the grime is right you can find the dime
Oh in the jar again
Oh the cleaner can do miracles
Just you wait and see
Believe me
Gags me that way
Oh where could the toilet bowl be
Just a dream and 409 to carry me
And soon it will be goo free
It gets the best of me
When I’m squicking
All caught up in regurgitation
Every smell is asphyxiation
Won’t you believe me
Gags me that way
Oh where could the toilet bowl be
Just a dream and 409 to carry me
And soon it will be goo free
It’s not far back to insanity
At least it’s not for me
And when the wind is right you can squick away
And find something stinky
Oh the cleaner can do miracles
Just you wait and see
Believe me
Gags me that way
Oh where could the toilet bowl be
Just a dream and 409 to carry me
And soon it will be goo free
Hammy, when did you start channeling Neil Gaiman? Adoring adores for you x infinity.
Uhm. Wow. I just saw this on T.V., and I want to see it.
By the way, have we officially stopped doing the weekend round-up of comments?
Not officially, NMN. I will see what I can do this afternoon with yesterday’s offerings. I just had a rash (and a shot to clear it up) of busy, busy weekends! Now that I have to work 5 days a week, I had to shift more stuff to the weekends, like laundry and gardening, and bird chores. Sucks.
Gah! I was out all day yesterday and missed my time in the Golden Lotus *pout*. (That does explain the punching sensation last evening – I thought it was a jolt from the horrendous cocktail I had that made Grampdaddy’s MD-40 recipe sound like a delightful alternative.) Thanks for posting a notification in the comments, Windy. It was a nice surprise when I was reading through today.
You’re welcome, LaKitta. I always feel sad when the punchee isn’t there, in the flesh, to receive their just punishments, I mean, rewards. 8) No doubt, you will have another day in the Golden Lotus.
Volume title reference to Christina Aguilera? Or just emphatic non-cleanliness?
Maybe drmk was really cold when she typed this. 🙂
I think Sparkaziod had a premonition that his ad would end up sucking…
***Woman in bathtub***
“Sinkhole vortex! Carry me away!”
I read that as stinkhole…
Stephanae, if you are still reading comments, and either missed it during the football game, or didn’t even know it was going to be revealed tonight…
Fear the wrath of Deathwing!
That is all.
Deathwing? Is that like when they gave Nightwing (who was the original Robin) a horrible redesign?
Oh late 80’s/early 90’s comics, you were (on the whole) terrible.
[/comic book nerdery]
Deathwing is the new major boss in the new WoW expansion.
His actual name is Neltharion, of the Black Dragonflight. Yes, I actually looked it up.
I know. Well I didn’t know, but I had to wade through many videogame screenshots of a giant dragon before I got to the image of the Deathwing I know.
and I never miss an opportunity to be a comic book nerd, just like you don’t miss an opportunity to be a videogame nerd.
Have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fQwU7uUPcU
(no fancy linking from me, sorry)
It’s an episode (Part 1 of 2) of the series Crazy Sexy Geeks where Tim Gunn sits down and has a serious discussion of superhero fashions (including hideous 80’s/90’s “restylings”). It is just delightful, well worth the watch even if you’re not terribly knowledgable about comics. [/comic-fashion geek nerdery]
This was fabulous!!! I LOVE me some Tim Gunn, and having him critiquing superhero looks? What could be better? Thanks so much for this, LaKitta.
What football game? (Don’t answer that; I don’t want to know.)
That trailer was very cool! It actually made me feel a little afraid when places I knew were getting trashed. This is how I know my reality has become a little warped.
I’m excited to see what Cataclysm’s going to do to the old world. I’ll never see Deathwing, though. I tend to play a little bit and then go away for months and get way behind. I’m not committed enough to join a real guild, and I never quite catch up in the endgame content. So, nothing uber about me.
Christina, if you’re still awake, and can see the bottom of the page, your art is done and e-mailed! Had to send it from my yahoo account (Lazuli)
I got it, sent you a reply.
Folks, seriously, if you need a gift for the person who has everything, talk to Silva. He art is AMAZING and her rates are beyond reasonable.
I second this!
wait… [/shameless self promotion]
Glad you like it 🙂
Are you ready to Round-Up Saturday? Too bad, I’m gonna post it any way. 8)
Saturday, October 17, 2010
The Return of Saturday Round-up, or 24 hours of Snark in two and a half pages!
The day’s ad featured a title from the Village People, which was our first clue. Litarider is to blame for the submission, which is from a High School Drama Club Gone Wrong. To show how very wrong it was, Cap’n Mac was speechless, in 20 words or less. Artsy opted for soccer, and Christina opted for breakfast. Kelli wanted to start a club named for the meal, but Smedley was too busy melting spatulas. NotMyName speculated on the omelet that melted said spatula, and Hammy got in one good grope. This moved kelli to switch to a grope club, with Hammy’s approval, and Christina reapplied her lipstick as well as for membership to the club. Cap suggested the Not.A.Lions needed a bath.
NMN had five questions about the ad, which Windrose attempted to answer. CoffDrop envisioned butt singing. Ew. Janett woke up too late for the club but went to breakfast anyway (and that’s just her handle) and was looking for predators. NMN took the time machine into the future, and commented on cleaning supplies. He thinks about YSaC when he sees oboes. Manda does not play oboes on TV.
Meredith had a long talk with Uncle Creepy. NMN wanted to be the grave robber, if it’s not creepy. But only if he’s the bad guy. Brainstew clarified the role of the grave robber. Janett etc agreed with Meredith and pointed out the sticky tee-shirt near by.
Camille has a passionate for the good stuff. CD became a LOLCat. Windrose asked who had seen the movie the drama club was copying, Stewie had, but didn’t understand it. Grampdaddy stuck up for Rocky Horror Picture Show and did the Mind Warp. Christina gave him some Time. He blamed it on the Klingons. Kelli didn’t want to leave out the cannibalism, Smedley labeled it a tender subject, Grampdaddy considered spackling the bathroom with Meatloaf. Nonsensicalcat loved Repo but wants to keep it professional. SilvaNoir explained the so-called Plot and related it to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lurk Real Close still doesn’t want to see it.
Smackie Girl claimed to know Terrance Zdunich’s email address. Stewie scoffed at naughty school girls and older men. Smackie wanted their livers. Stewie scoffed at the ability of the school girls to put on the show. Smackie scoffed at this really being a HS Drama Club. Seems to be a really bad scoff going around.
Artsy did her MOM act, but Meredith did a good whiney teenager back at her. NMN scoffed at Meredith, who dished out some dislike, and NMN took it seriously. Smedley told them to play nice, kelli explained about Meredith and deep frying. Tankerbell flapped her wings and liked NMN, Christina liked both NMN and Meredith. NMN pointed out his video games. Windrose liked his video games. Stephanae opened up a World of Warcraft like, which NMN understood. They carried on a conversation in GameSpeak. Grampdaddy put down that weirdo, Grampdaddy. NMN bought a newspaper.
Bridgete couldn’t get Rented in High School. Tankerbell prayed to Artsy. Janett came out of the closet as being 33 and not a California. Astro related the marching band interrupting face sucking at the school. Christina decided to get out of town. Kae explained how Abercrombie and Fitch tee-shirts are inappropriate. Ratwoman decided it was almost a good idea to go see this thing. NMN laughs at Sy-fy movies. Stewie gave us 24-hour notice. NMN gave away the plot on a couple movies. Kae doesn’t want to go back to High School.
Hammy got a bus and put the cast into it. Stewie scoffed at the idea. NMN asked for volunteers. Stewie proposed they didn’t have the rights to the play. EB pulled out her equipment. Christina installed toilets. Stewie read the legal bits. Christina debated the legality of the legal bits. Stewie pull College Rank on her. Drmk suggested a play instead of a movie. (Bees be upon her)
EB was curious, Netflix. Stewie wished her joy of it. Christina wondered about The Room. CD brought up Neil Diamond. Windrose countered, and CD got cracklin’. Then Christina confused us with five questions because there were only four. Stewie attempted to answer them. Poe was discussed. The discussion segued into The Three Muskateers.
Grampdaddy auditioned for a part in the play. Hammy critiqued his performance. Smedley went to the dogs, and Grampdaddy’s feelings may or may not have been hurt. Tankerbell was cute. Silva felt tortured. Indigo sold tickets. Hammy bumped in to Shilo. Stephanae eavesdropped on 0 to 3 girls in High School. She won a call from the Reverend. NMN discussed computer programming with Steph. Hammy displayed his geeky bits. Thus ensued a conversation in GeekSpeak between Hammy and Stephanae.
Hammy got his anagram act together, but DARPA found out about it. NMN liked it so much, he gave Hammy some Pam. Stephanae started quoting herself. NMN tried to quote himself but failed, until Christina put him in the right bracket. Astro and Christina helped him italicize, too.
Stewie wrote a poem about the play, then argued about pederasts with Steph. NMN confused Corey with a pervert, which confused Steph as well. Windrose explained. Christina explained. Steph came back. But then she went to dally with her dahlia. This she blamed on Grampdaddy. Cap’n claimed all her base, and Grampdaddy congratulated her for being younger than he.
Tankerbell was unhappy that her various experiences in life disqualified her from this play. Christina offered the role to LRC, but she couldn’t make rehearsal. Grampdaddy proposed another day and time, but got caught up in shoulder knees.
Christina is giving her dad Rocky songs for his birthday. Stewie suggested she go to the Amazon. Hammy suggested piracy. NMN vented his Oedipus complex incorrectly, so it exploded. Silva explained, and Grampdaddy suggested to Christina to browse used CD stores. Astro claimed he read something in English class. Cap explained some more, but NMN got lost. Cap put it in ChatSpeak.
Silva and Steph continued to make suggestions about Christina’s dad. Christina expounded on Japanese tentacle pron. NMN helped with a link. Christians and Christinas were separated. Silva suggested a liberal Christian bookstore. She’s so funny! NMN decided to have nothing to say. Christina displayed her double rainbow, and Cap recalled the Battle of Hastings. Kelli knew enough to be an expert on Japanese pron, thanks to her daughter.
Kae thinks schools should have fewer arts classes, if this is the result. Silva’s art was in a play once. Kae slipped into the third person, which is more comfortable. Nearing the close of the day, LRC wanted to be a Poncho Moose, the only reference to the title. Grampdaddy added a touch of sleeze. Silva lamented the lack of editing, dropped apostrophes everywhere and threw doors at everyone. She’s so funny! Christina got new doors to throw. Silva claimed to have Christina’s picture done. NMN wanted to know about the picture, but it’s a surprise. NMN isn’t in to self-adoration. Christina mixed self-adoration with mobile comments. Her laptop died. NMN thought the comments died, too, and looked to the Golden Lotus. Windrose punched LaKitta in absentia, and said good night to Mounting Crisco. Pinkfizzy wandered in late, with news about a friend’s high school’s Rocky Horror show.
And that’s the way it was.
Just brilliant!
NMN likes how Windrose puts Windrose into the 3rd person perspective. Yes, that was necessary.
Dang, no edit function, and that should be October 16, not the 17th.
Camille, Punchity Punch Punch!
G’Night, Durham Dynamos!