YSaC, Vol. 792: Where’s the Bad Idea Bears when you need them?
Out of kindness, I’ve left off the self-portrait of himself in the mirror, but I’ll just say that Mr. JohnnyPokerChamp doesn’t look like a single mother to me.
Anyway … why sure, Mr. JohnnyPokerChamp, I’d love to send you $1000 in exchange for monthly steak delivery! I can’t imagine anything else you would do with the money.
Just out of curiosity, I asked Uncle Google about “Steak of the Month” clubs. Of the ones I found (and I’m kind of disturbed by how many there are), the ones offering 6 oz steaks tend to only cost about $500 per year, so that’s not even a good return on investment.
“Monthly steak delivery” may have to be another of my new favorite euphemisms.
Thanks, Debbi!
Yeah, I accidentally joined one of those. Except I didn’t read it very closely and ended up joining the Stake of the Month Club. On the plus side, I’m totally ready to deal with vampires in style. Yeah, you better appreciate how I’m killin’ you, Nosferatu. That’s gilded cherry wood protruding from your chest, that don’t come cheap.
Also, I’m afraid Sparky’s “monthly steak delivery” may turn out to mean something quite other than stated in this particular ad. The line tells me I shouldn’t expound on that, though.
Also also, is he trying to slip a condo sale in there, too? Or is it both — a condo with a monthly meat injection as part of its maintenance fees? (Shut up, line.) I’m confused. All I know is I’m hungry.
uhhhh…meat injection? :::shudder:::
With as much meat as this guy must have to run a buisness like this, he must have meat everywhere in that condo! I’d even bet the curtains are made out of beef.
His girlfriend is probably Lady Gag-me
My theory is that he works at a packing plant or shipping facility for one of those meat of the month clubs, and he’s skimming a little off the top to help pay for his condo.
Oh, and elebenty-seven doors for the stake of the month comment above.
Yancy, he works in a meat-packing facility? At least it’s not a fudge-packing facility… People might get the wrong idea….
My theory was that either he boughtthe m-o-t-m club membership when he was employed, and then lost his job. Or, someone gave it to him as a gift, and he wanted to monetize it.
lmao @ Taco
We’re fooling Mrs. Johnson.
We’ve replaced her normal insulin shot with a mixture of grass-fed beef and free-range turkey.
Let’s watch!
Taco- you’re going to give me seizures. Corporate seizures.
Mindfield — when did you start arguing with “the line”?
Please come into the Snark Lounge, lay down on the green couch, and tell me everything.
Well, see, it all started way back in Soviet Russia, when the line crossed ME…
Screw a wooden stake, just find a katana and cut off his/her head….yoo hoo, Twilight* vampires, where are you?
*I hate Twilight.
Just keep those stakes away from my next husband, Eric Northman.
Could Eric BE any hotter? Yum, yum. And I bet HE doesn’t sparkle in the sunlight.
Next husband? What happened to the fi–
Wait. It’s probably safer that I not know.
As long as you keep them away from MY vampire TV husband, David Boreanaz. Deal?
MMMmmm…. AAAaaangel…
Edit: I mean…. Uhh… MMmmm… HHAAAAaamcan….
Exactly, Pam! Or, Ms. Can, if you’re nasty.
I think the preferred method of disposing of a Sparklepire is to grind it into a fine powder and then use the powder to fertilize trees to make up for all those that died so that the Twilight series could be printed.
I will honestly admit, I read the Twilight series, before it was so idiotically popular. It was alright, in my opinion, just not as good as the Inheritance trilogy, or Artemis Fowl, or books like that. My opinion though.
I read alot.
I read it too, just so I would know what the hell everyone I work with was going on and on about. I was not impressed.
NMN, I kind of liked them, too. But they were certainly not awesome. Don’t get my feminist ass started on all the reasons I wish teenage girls didn’t like them.
The funny part is that my husband and stepson lived in Forks for years and years, and they still go there for fishing weekends. Neither of them have read the books but I tell them things about them and they howl with laughter and/or rage.
But all that aside, I have them, I’ve read them, and they’re pretty good. So I’ll stand with you against the coolness police.
Anyone that’s ever spent a lot of time in Forks howls at the “crap” in those movies and books.
The place is a sh!t hole, probably the best Steelhead and Salmon fishing in the lower 48 though.
Spent many a rainy day rowing a drift boat down one of the many rivers over there.
If there were really undead beings roaming about in Forks they would be covered in mildew.
That mental image makes me giggle ๐
well, mildew would explain the sparkle, especially in diffracted light in wet woodlands . . .
cerebreal mildew might explain what a 16-er sees in a 107 y/o dead dude, too.
I often wonder what the Quileutes think about being made werewolves.
*Insert politically incorrect comment here*
Besides, even if they were the clouds only part once a year, if you are lucky, when there’s a full moon.
Whoa, there’s a FISH called a steelhead?
There is totally a fish called a steelhead. It’s a salmonid (Sweet Clothespin Jeebus save me, I’m married to a fisheries biologist) and a favorite gamefish here in Washington.
When I think of Steelhead, I think of this.
On a side note, I just found out there’s a Resistance: Fall of Man wiki. Cool, I know where I’ll be for the next few hours.
I put this in the wrong place, see below.
Steelhead are best over a fire of found wood near the bank, fried in a pan with butter, a bit of onion, and a sprig of dill.
I can’t believe IF didn’t stop by to tell us that Steelhead is the name of his Radiohead cover band.
BAHAHA @ NotMyName.
You read the Twilight series before it sold out? Always on the lookout for underground YA Mormon-horror-romance, eh?
I kid.
Yes, NMN, that is a picture of a native Washington steelhead. They catch them with their fishing poles, reel them in, bash them on the head to kill them and OH MY GOD THAT WAS MY ARM!!! SONOFABITCHIN MOFO JUST TORE OFF MY MUTHALOVIN’ ARM! WHY IS IT REACHING FOR MY HEAD? IT BETTER NOT TRY TO —
Watch out, it has a gun. And said gun’s bullets can go through walls. Yes this is an actual enemy, and they are very annoying.
I thought Steelhead was a type of robot sex. I must have been misled.*
*Actually, I came in second in the Miss Lead pagaent. I was Miss Understood.
*Edit Pretend this is up by LRC’s steelhead comment.
I was Miss Informed. They didn’t tell me until after the pageant though.
I dated Miss Demeanor for a while, she was nothing but trouble!
Sometimes too many Sparkies make me Miss Anthorpe
Ever try hanging something shiny and spinning in front of him, NMN? My guess is he’ll start chasing it trying to eat it and your problems with him will be over.
Ooooh, Shiny!…. What were we talking about?
As I read it, he’s not even sending you a box of steaks – he’s sending you a box of “free delivery.”
Also, if he’s sending you a box of seasoned steaks, how old are they? Will he pay for refrigeration?
Not to mention the fact that steak is a generic term and doesn’t specify beef.
I wonder if you can get 6 oz. out of a good-sized NYC sewer rat…
it actually says
You should be able to get .6 of 6 oz worth of steak out of a rat.
I’m aware of that. What I was confused by is how “rimshot” is double entendre. Unless it’s by reference to a similar-sounding word.
I wondered about that too. Also, I’ve heard meat referred to as “aged” before. I thought the idea was to eat meat before it “ages”?
According to the Great and All-Knowing Wikipedia;
There’s more here if you are still curious.
It’s one of the reasons you hang deer for a few days before processing them (assuming it’s cold enough outside anyway). It helps make the flavor more meaty and less gamey.
Some of the most expensive steak houses dry age their beef for 40 days (or more)
Gotcha. Not being a meat eater, I figured the meat was aged in a cave somewhere, like cheese or wine. Knowing what raw meat left on the counter over night can turn into, I really didn’t want to think about fuzzy, wormy meat as a delicasy.
Just ask Gramdaddy, you can’t beat aged meat…
Well, of course! He’s obviously going to send them down using the winterbagel.
dadun, chsh!
(Psst, EB, if you use [rimshot] it’s simpler, and, here with us, at least a double entendre, too {G}.)
Kentucky derby losers.
The drum riff that ends with a cymbal shot “dadun, chsh!” as EB put it, is known as a “rim shot.”
I do not know why.
Same way I do not know why you put ice in lemonade but not orange juice.
Someone who has “poker champ” in their e-mail address sounds like the kind of person I would give money to. I’m sure they’re using every cent they have to pay for living expenses. And I mean, what worthier cause is there than “help your not so local landscaper/community college grad pay for a 9500 dollar condo”. Or is he saying that the yearly rent is 9500$? Cause if that’s the case, I may start a bidding war with Sparky.
He should have used an email that said something like “Poorblindorphan@******.com” or “youareaheartlessmonsterwhokickspuppiesifyoudontdonate@******.com”. That would have been much more convincing.
Taco will probably have e-mail address envy with that email address SJ.
Yeah, anything remotely like”chronicgamber@website.com” makes me a bit suspicious
If it was something like “imanasshat@******.com” I might consider sending a dollar because he was honest. I would consider it, I wouldn’t actually do it.
I must share this because it just happened and was … oddly relevant. As part of my job I forward emails from a central account to individual accounts. We have a job opening right now and a lot of people have been emailing in their resumes. I just had one come in from an address that was, no kidding, “p1mpNhoz@*****.com”.
Oh, yeah – that’s professional.
I once had to deal with a planning application where the applicant’s address was ‘hotvetnurse’ – the case officer and I had met her and were unanimous that it was false advertising.
Sarajean! Offer that job to that fine candidate with the excellent judgment immediately! Don’t let him/her get away!
The truly odd part is that, judging by the name and information in the resume, it was most likely sent by a woman.
SJ, we talk about that type of thing here at my job. Had someone send in their resume, and the e-mail was “Iluvbitching@***.com”. Made SUCH a good impression….on the trashcan.
I have a customer that has furpanties@…com as his email.
If there was a YSaC version of Clue, I would guess Mr. Furpanties got it in the kitchen with the lead pipe.
Would you donate money to someone with “wow” in their email address?
If you see me posting a lot at once, it’s because I just got back from college.
I feel so discriminated against! Where’s the Tofu of the Month Club?
Knock knock, your monthly bag o’Fu is here!
Didn’t you hear Wyclef Jean is running for the president of Haiti? I don’t think he would be willing to get in the bag.
“What’chu got in that BAG????”
“Uh, actually, Ludacris….it’s Wyclef Jean”.
I’m going to go out of my way to work “dont make me open a bag of ‘Fu on yo ass!” into my conversations.
Aw, man! What’s in the bag?! WHAT’S IN THE BAG?!
Ooh, what month is wiener-fu?
(Note: I do not have a wiener fixation. Today.)
I’m well trained in Brat-Fu, the ancient art of grilling brats and drinking beer before [local sports game].
And I am a master of Tai Chi…cken, and I’m a fair old hand at Kung Moo. I am one with the tongs!
“Go my favorite sports team, go!”
I’m told there is a very popular sports team here in Wisconsin, but I can’t for the life of me remember who they are. Something about shipping… gah I can’t remember.
Addendum: Screaming “Go Home Team!” at a sports event is only funny to others who don’t particularly care about sports.
Took me a while to get the “something about shipping” joke.
That’s Cleveland that has the sport’s team that has something about shipping.
*What have the Browns done for you today?*
“Go Vikings!… And take the Twins with you!”
What’s the Vikings’ cheer?
Is it “Burn, Pillage, and Kill!” ?
On a side note, I’m not a master of food-martial arts, but I DO have a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Yes, I like to release random, and slightly intinidating, information about myself.
NMN…you’re slightly “intinidating”? Do you have a heart?
Yes, I have a heart. Why? Don’t you? Do you need one? Because I don’t have one to spare.
My guy used to play a lower budget video game, and random background characters would shout out “YOU GO PLAYER 2” and “PLAYER 1 ROCKS!”.
So now it’s shouted whenever someone is watching sports in which they have no favorite team. Or me…who doesn’t even like sports.
Pats for Barrister-B
Be careful, all y’all with the mad fu. Because Dave Grohl’s band will fight you.
No matter how many times we explain it, my kids still call them “The Food Fighters”. Nothing like driving along in the car, singing along with the radio, and having your 3-year old suddenly shout, “Hey, this is Food Fighters!!!”
Well, there are worse things small children could scream out, some of them music related . . .
Sadly I could not find a Tofu of the Month Club using my Google-Fu, but I did find a Peanut Butter of the Month Club and Vegan Cookies, Brownies, or Fudge of the Month Clubs.
Peanut Butter of the month club? I think I’ll join that. Does anyone else do this, or is it just me? I like to eat peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon.
Does Nutella count? It’s technically chocolate-hazelnut butter.
NMN: Most people, at some point in their life, can’t resist the urge to scoop peanut butter straight from the jar. With that said, if you don’t live alone, always be sure you’re the first one to open a new jar.
And always put the lid back on if you are going to step away from the jar for a minute and you have any pets that share the same taste in snacks.
FYI a cat can get it’s head stuck in a half-empty Nutella jar if it tries hard enough.
My favorite way to eat peanut butter is to scoop it out of the jar with a spoon, and then dip the spoon into delicious delicious chocolate chips. Yummmm….
My OCD is activated by a fresh jar of peanut butter. I really, really hate messing up the beautiful frozen ocean-scape of a new jar. On a few occasions I had to have somebody else do the first scoop.
Oh, I’ve got a shiny new camera. Next time I open a jar of peanutbutter I totally need to take a close up shot of the frozen brown ocean.
Oh my bejeebus! Me too! That shiny peanut-ty creaminess of salty Jif-Wiffness is too hard to stab into.
I’ll store the jar upside down for a few days and then turn it right side up so that gravity does the dirty work for me.
The Peanut Butter Factory makes chocolate peanut butter: milk chocolate and white chocolate variety,… I can’t keep the stuff stocked at my house… it get’s eaten very quickly by the human males.
My peanut butter comes with a messy pool of oil on top that I pour out, rather than stir in. This makes for a dryer peanut butter that is perfect for home made peanut butter cups.
frozen brown ocean….
makes me strangely uncomfortable – I picture Nanook of the North having the Inuit version of a Tacosplosion.
Don’t just pity da foo’… *puts on glasses* pita da ‘fu.
My poor, poor oldest grandchild will never know the ecstasy that is peanut butter. She’s got a life-threatening allergy.
Me, I love the stuff…by the spoonful and slathered on bananas, apple slices, and chocolate bars.
One day the grandchild was visiting and opening my pantry, stepped back and gasped….”WHY do you have peanut butter???” She asked, probably afraid for her life.
I explained it was because I wasn’t allergic…and then feeling bad for her I totally lied and said I rarely eat the stuff. yeah, right..like every.single.day.
Dagnabbit! I want a peanut butter, banana, and honey sandwich now.
Thanks a lot CJ.
That’s payback Taco for the Dire Straits ear worm you gave us all this morning.
Thanks! A lot CJ!
Two, two, two posters in one!!
My work here is done!
If it helps, it’s been in my head all day too.
Mine, too.
Anything FU you Christina.
My brain put a comma after anything so I was gonna say, FU too Hammy! ๐
I wouldn’t mind FU…
Okay, get a room youse guys.
Sorry, I has a life threating allergy to margarine.
Good thing I switched to PAM!
I went googling for a Tofu of the Month club, and I am relieved to have found none. Of course, there’s always this:
Okay, I’ve read this and passed it through the super-duper catulator/translator/discombobulator…and I have no idea what Sparky is selling/buying/trading/expecting.
He wants to give you $9,500 worth of steak each month via PayPal to give to his condo for $1,000 on his credit card so he can have money left over each month, his house.
OOOOHHH!! Thanks for clearing that up there, Mindfield. Makes total sense now.
My catulator swatted at me for waking him up (and for smelling like chinese buffet) and turned around a few times in a huff.
But, it looks like SparK wants you to palpal him a grand every month.
He will then defray the cost of his $9500 condo rent with that cash.
In return, he’s going to forward the $29.95 worth of meat that comes with his condo lease.
sParKy may actually have heard what P.T.Barunm said, and is hoping ten or eleven folks step forward on his deelio. That way, he’ll have spare change so as to create more single mothers at the condo.
He wants his money for nothing and his chicks for free.
That ain’t woikin’..dat’s the way you do it!
Does this count as earworm of the day? Cause now I’ve totally got it stuck in my head.
mmmmm…maybe get a blistah on yer little finger, maybe get a blistah on your thumb…mmmm….microwave ovens, kitchen deliveriiiieeesss!!
I shoulda learned to play the guitar.
I think that’s money for nothing and ground chuck for free.
I shoulda learned to play them drums.
TM, now you’ve done it. How did you know that’s one of my all time favorite songs? Topped only by “Walk of Life”.
We got to move these color tv-eeeeeeeees.
Money for Beef
I want my side of beef!
Now look at that sparky, that’s the way you do it,
You say you’re a mother on the CraigsList ad.
That ain’t working, that’s the way you do it,
Money for nothing and beef for free.
Now, that ain’t working, that’s the way you do it,
Lemme tell you that guy won’t fail,
Maybe get a brisket for a thousand dollars,
Maybe get a brisket in the mail.
We gotta month long one year condo,
Givin’ money to sparkieeeees,
We gotta haiku, refrigerator,
We gotta move these sides of beeeeeeeeeeef.
:whacks TM squarely between the eyes with a stack of doors:
I want my side of beef!
Now look at that sparky, thatโs the way you do it,
You say youโre a mother on the CraigsList ad.
That ainโt working, thatโs the way you do it,
Money for nothing and beef for free.
Now, that ainโt working, thatโs the way you do it,
Lemme tell you that guy wonโt fail,
Maybe get a brisket for a thousand dollars,
Maybe get a brisket in the mail.
We gotta month long one year condo,
Givinโ money to sparkieeeees,
We gotta haiku, refrigerator,
We gotta move these sides of beeeeeeeeeeef.
Adores: 6 +1
Nope, see, I wrote that. Has my name on it. Even the doors are mine.
Taco and meredith, it’s been along time since we’ve had a group punch. I’m totally nom-nom-nominating this^
“I will have some money left each month when its paid in full, my house.”
So is he reassuring his house here? Don’t worry, House, I’ll have money left to get you those new fancy-ass tile floors you always wanted! Now who’s gonna drive me to the casino?
Once I hit the big six I’m gonna take my house out to the faciest dinner it’s ever had. I know it’s a little expensive, but I’m told Subway makes really good sandwiches, and my house loves sandwiches.
“Faciest”? Your house eats faces?
I don’t remember seeing faces at Home Depot. Must be one of the aisles in the back.
Unless Taco’s house is a zomb
Faces are in the exterior decoration aisle.
I thought they were in the Check Out My Tools Aisle.
Are we talking house-face like this:
Or creepier house-face, like this:
If it’s the second one, I’m not visiting. That house is giving me the eye…
Edit: And no, I still haven’t managed the embedded link thing. I use the prehistoric cut and paste method still.
I think that second house just saw what I did there.
I can’t embed either…which is probably a good thing…
I was thinking more along the lines of this, except for a house.
As to the cut-and-paste method, Meredith, I still use that too.
I use the advanced cut-and-paste method. I copied the code for embedding links and saved it in a Word document. When I want to get all fancy and embed a link I open the document, copy the code, paste it, and then insert the linky bits I want to use.
What is the code? Without an actual link, please. That way I can try it. Oh, and where do I actually put the web address?
<a href=”http://lmgtfy.com/?q=html+links”>This is the text</a>
This is the text
EB, I love that. How come I’ve never heard of that site?
Dammit, I can’t get it to work!
Edit: But EB did. Yay!
Is it working?
I keep getting
I think so, but I got a “Site not found” message. I think you have more than one link in the embedding code, you have to embed each one separately.
Let’s try this
WTF. That was this site.
Hmm. NMN are you putting the http:// in front of the link? It looks like your links are trying to be internal links, rather than external links (which makes sense to me and probably not to you… hmm…) Basically, it’s kinda like your computer. If you’re using Windows, you can go to My Documents. Your computer knows that it’s YOUR My Documents, so it doesn’t have to have more information than that. But if you want to go to a website called http://www.mydocuments.com, you need to give it more information, so it knows to look external to your computer. You wanted to tell the computer to go to http://www.gametrailers.com, but since you didn’t tell the computer to go external to where it was (with http://) it tried to go to http://www.yousuckatcraigslist.com/www.gametrailers.com.
So the moral of the story is, try it again with http://, and I’m sure it will work ๐
And now I’m marked as SpamCan…. Gah. Long complicated explanation is awaiting moderation. Long story short, stick http:// in front of the www
Soooo….. video games!
I think he might be reassuring Dr. House. Which kind of pisses me off. Hugh Laurie belongs to ALL OF US, JohnnyPokerChamp!
Is this a month/yearly? Because I can see at least 9 more people who will have to buy into this
pyramid schemesweet steak deal for Johnny, the single mom, to keep a roof over her head.I’ll take your eye round and raise you a sirloin!
(Okay, apparently I am “ditto-ing” Meredith’s observations in her post above. Hard to see what’s up when you’re in the comment window. Sorry Meredith)
I’m not sharing my steak with nobody, not no how, not no way!!!
He’s having the steaks delivered by a NY stripper. Being that I am in Texas, I don’t know if a NY stripper adds value or not.
I suspect the only difference between a NY stripper and a Texas stripper would be their accents. I suppose it also goes without saying that everything’s bigger in Texas.
Depending on where the “bigger” is, that could be good or bad!
According to this New Yorkee, bigger refers to hair styles, trucks and food portions.
And speaking as a Texan, may I add…attitude…
And there is a joke about “seeing the elephants”
But, I don’t want to fuss with the line.
I prefer ribeyes.
I’m inclined to agree, CJ. Yanks have a bad reputation when it comes to attitude, but we’re actually really nice once you get past the loud, course exterior.
Is “condo” the new word for living in a storage unit?
If by storage unit you mean “refrigerator box”, then yes.
Living in a storage unit = “Spacious studio apartment with convenient parking!”
ACTUALLY, I’ve kind of had a dream of living in a storage container…or a shipping container, if you will.
I have semi-seriously considered buying an extra large storage building (the nice stick-built ones that look like little barns) and converting it into a small house, but I lack the skills and funds to do so. I’d also have to have a place to actually put it as well. My dream home is this little gem.
You would love the cabin that my friend built on his hunting property. Made entirely from wood harvested off the land, no electricity or plumbing, heated with a wood stove, and the only lighting is gas lamps (or battery powered when we run out of gas). We use it for gaming weekends. Very quiet and no computers to distract the players.
Everything but the “no plumbing” and “no electricity” bits. I need running water, flush toilets, and high-speed internet access; it says so right here in my owner’s manual.
What sarajean said, but I’d definitely need Showtime as well.
The next season of Dexter is getting ready to start.
My Dad actually upgraded their satellite TV package for the sole purpose of getting the Speed Channel. It’s all racing, All. Day. Long.
I think it’s nice that Taco plays poker with the Unibomber.
D&D with a demobilization specialist.
Steals batteries out of hoverrounds?
Siphons gas?
He helps soldiers from Iraq with their end of tour discharge paperwork and sets up their veteran benefits.
Knocks over little old ladies and steals their canes?
[cabin corey]SJ,
Hardest part is being close enough to civilization to have over-wire electricity, and someone skilled at waterwell drilling. All, while being far enough from Planning & Development offices that would insist upon a number of features un-needed in these sorts of buildings.
“Off Grid-ing” can be popular with this sort of design, but it’s a life as severe and demanding as ocean cruising under sail. Windmill and PV will need a battery stack, which needs its own building (more expense) on top of $35-45K for the install.
Also, being ‘off grid’ take work in that you wind up farther from the grocery store than frozen ice cream–which also gets to be an effort to which you are committed (as in sentenced, too).
I’ve been involved in a few of these, both better and worse. If you really need/want more details, ding me over on f/b so as to not clutter the bandwidth here.
Thanks for the offer Cap’n, but the idea is firmly in the “maybe one day” folder because of that very problem ; any property I could afford that would allow that sort of structure would be too far into the back of beyond to be practical and any property close enough to be practical would require a bucket-load of special permits and variances that would cost more than a normal house.(If I could get them at all) It’s nice to dream though.
SJ, this house is absolutely darling. The only thing I would need would be a champer pot/soup tureen under the bed upstairs for those half-asleep nighttime forays. I would never make it down and back up the stairs in one piece.
As a side note, it would make me super happy if we could click to enlarge those pictures. From the disproportional bird on the swingset to the vending machine/front door? in this picture, I find my mind screaming, “DEAR GOD I NEED A CLOSER LOOK! MUST IDENTIFY CRAZY PICTURE!”
I sure am glad he included a picture of a steak though. I have always wondered what one looked like.
Well you do have to admit, as far as pictures of steaks go that one is pretty good. They used a light box and everything.
Which of course means he stole it from somewhere online. Pity.
I don’t think I’d want to see a picture of Sparky’s meat.
Uh, SJ, that’s what the internet is for. Unsolicited pictures of man meat, especially at the most inappropriate moments.
That gives the term RickRoll a new and deeply disturbing meaning.
I like my RickRolls with butter, not man meat.
Or margerine.
I think you’re having an oleo affair with yourself there Hammy.
*pay no attention to the Pam can behind the curtain*
Oh, oil be fine. It is butter with someone else though.
Dairy I say if you would like to join in you’ll have to wait your churn to parkay in the festivities.
I wouldn’t want to spread myself to thin, even though I’m polyunsaturated I do have a limit!
I’m not behind any curtains! I’m all can, no curtains… Ohh… Hammy, is THAT why you keep leaving me?
Big butter Jesus
Sweet cream Jesus
Oh country fresh Jesus
Unsalted Jesus
Oh Promise Jesus
Imperial Jesus
Canโt believe itโs not Jesus
Oleo Lord
Oleo Hammy….Oh spread the word.
@ sarajean: lmao. brilliant. utterly freakin’ brilliant. less than three for you! <3 ^_^
I need a FARTHER look. In fact, most of these Sparky ads shouldn’t even come with pictures.
They should come with pron.
Looking for stuff on CraigsList would be a lot more fun with random nekkidness, but then my work computer would block it and I would be sad.
Chest of drawers.
Ooooh, an ottermangle!
:forwards ad to YSaC:
^ love ^
Maybe this is like that guy who was born female and had a sex change, then had a baby girl, and now he is her father.
Darth Vader had a sex change???
Oh Manda….teeheeheeeheeeheee
I prefer my meat delivery more often than monthly…what?
I know what you mean Lara. My wife and I buy meat at the store every Friday.
I bought my meat at the grocery store earlier this week, but last night I had to beat my meat to prepare for dinner tonight, because I got the cheap stuff.
So mini eb is going to have a sibling?
I’m so confuzzled… I lost track of the conversation around here.
When my wife made Swiss Steak Mozzarella a few days ago I’m told she really had to pound my meat to get it just right.
Venison is like that though, kinda tough and stringy until you beat it.
I like to get my meat delivered in bulk… and then cut it up, put it in little labeled baggies, and keep in in my freezer.
My male YSaCer’s just involuntarily squiked and reached for their…brats.
That sounds more like something they would do in Wisconsin.
You and Mr Dahmer
No. Just no.
I have a feeling you would wake up one day to find a live cow in your front yard with instructions on how to “remove” your steaks…
Better than a dead cow with instructions.
Oh, I don’t know about that…Live cows get a little cranky when you start carving on them.
A dead cow leaves you with limited time for carving preparation. You need to Get-to-it-Hop-Sing and try to keep the flies and the vultures away. What if it was delivered while I was on vacation? I’d come home and there’d be a rotting meat mound of dead Elsie on my front lawn.
I could at least dress a live cow up in sparkly Hello Kitty dresses and Lancรดme makeup (or is that Moobelline?) and pare her out at my leisure.
Chainsaw, duh.
Confucius say, “Ham who cut dead cow with chainsaw, loses face.”
*Udderly ridiculous*
I didn’t know Hammy knew where my house was.
*Why I Udder!*
*Fires up chainsaw*
Confucius say, “Cow without legs, ground beef.”
*clearing computer screen as well as my throat*
Confucius say, “Legs without cow, have nobody to call their own.”
Except that you can’t really “defenestrate” a person, because that would connote removing the eyeholes themselves, which you couldn’t really do accidentally since that would require filling them in somehow. I think we’re really talking about one of MY favorite words, which is enucleation. Removal of the eyeballs. (I went to law school because I hated being a nurse. But I am still enthralled by anything medical.)
Edit: Did that need Corey tags?
Andie, the definition I know of “defenestrate” is something along the lines of throwing somebody/something out/through a window. Though, enucleate is also an awesome word :-p Jennifer Garner once enucleated a guy….. that was an awesome scene.
Well you gotta do something with all those cows that die mysteriously.
Is this a frequent occurence in your neighborhoo TM? Cows just dropping like flies?
Only when the Aliens are in town. Those crazy little green men just love their cow exsanguination.
I didn’t know that cows and penguins got along so well.
Exsangiunation is one of my favorite words. It’s a close battle between that and defenestration.
Defenestration sounds…..painful.
Unless it’s a first story window :-p
Almost all defenestration works out badly.
In architecture, “fenestration” is the aligning of the tops of windows and doors on a floor. Having the fenestration (windows) come of of a building is traumatic enough. Having them warp out of alignment not a good start to a day, either.
Since fenestration is windows is eyes, if we mean a human corpus–becoming defenestrated not going to be a high point, there, either.
The last sense, the one EB was referring to, is exiting a building by way of a window, not a door. As she said, this can be problematic above the ground-level floor.
To my knowledge “defenestration” refers to throwing people out of windows – I’ve never heard of it referring to human eyes. My recent trip to Europe included a visit to the site of the Second Defenetration of Prague, which apparently helped start the Thirty Years War. Alas, I have no information about the First Defenestration of Prague, though Wikipedia does.
:door opens:
“Yeah, I gots yer free steaks here.”
“That’s a cow.”
“Yeah. So?”
Ummm… Why are there dotted lines drawn all over it?”
“Oh, right.”
:Hands over a large hacksaw.:
“Here’s the disassembly kit. Sign here.”
It’s OK SJ it’s an Ameglian Major Cow.
My Ursa Major Bear scoots over and exsanguinates your Ameglian Major Cow.
[bovine corey]
Delivering a live cow would at least allow a person to milk said bovine (unless a heifer and milked out).
Delivering a dead steer would likely mean better meat overall, but not the best ways to maintain good relations with the neighbors.
A live steer, a beeve, now that would have a number of advantages. For one, you’d not need the grass mowed. You also would have fewer urchins running around the yard (and would make for a cool h’ween decoration).
Downside is that you need about an acre of grass to feed a beeve; acre and a half for milking cow; two for gravid cow. Water quantity is not high, but acces is; bovines will walk a mile, two miles to get to water when thirsty. They also follow their noses, too. Which could be traumatic for the neighbor’s koi pond . . .
Oooo, ooo, I know what “gravid” means!
I know what a beeve is!
That’s Wally’s little brother.
GravID is the time stamp given to Avatars, before they are shot through the black hole and become Gravatars, so they know what year/day/hour/minute to release them from the server.
I don’t think this is the first time this scheme has been tried. He’s sort of a Johnny-come-lately.
Yeah, “give me lots of money for barely any compensation” seems like it just might have been tried a few times before.
Not to mention “give me a car for barely any compensation”.
I’m trying not to go anywhere juvenile with “Johnny-come-lately”. And largely failing.
Wow, I’m rather disappointed. I expected a long, hard thread on this subject.
It seem we just weren’t up for it.
I tried, but your act is a hard on to follow, Windrose.
I want to go back to Meredith getting her meat in bulk. Does it come with little costumes?
I think Sparky’s ad is really a rebus…lets see…
[totally OT rant] I simply must share…. Yesterday I got an e-mail on my FB account from the daughter of a very dear friend of 20+ years, but whom I haven’t seen in probably 2 or 3 years (she moves around a lot)…and it had the “I’m here to share my fantastic _________ secrets with you!!!!” tone…complete with all the breathless exclamation points.
She proceeds to explain how she didn’t mean to ignore all her FB friends, but she’s been slovenly and gotten fat after her brother died unexpectedly last year…but now she’s fabulous thanks to this miracle, blah, blah, blah…
Frankly, I didn’t comprehend what I read past the “…brother died…” I’ve known this kid since he was about 4 yrs. old (he’s grown now with two sons), and I find out about his death because his sister is plugging some new product she’s selling?!
I responded, kindly, about how sad that was and ignoring her sales pitch asked for her mom’s addy so I can send a long-overdue sympathy card.
I’m still shaking my head over that bizarro exchange…humanity may be doomed…[/end totally OT rant]
Having a great body sure does reduce the emotional sting of a loved one dying. I’m glad I’m beautiful or I’d be really sad right now.
Most likely a scammer hacked her email account and is using her address book to pretend to be her.
I’ve seen this happen to other people, usually they (the hackers) send some sob story about your friend being trapped in Europe and needing money to get home…
I would call her to see if that’s what it was, since if they hacker he email account she won’t get your return email (plus they now know your email is live and they can sell it to spammers)
Getting sneaky aren’t they, Bastages!
No, Hammy…I verified it was her….sigh…..
My email was hacked by the “I’m trapped in London and need money to get home” folk … best part? All of my friends who got it knew it wasn’t me (those who hadn’t seen me in person in the past couple of days and who knew I wasn’t planning upcoming travel) because … wait for it … it was badly spelled and contained copious amounts of poor grammar and misused punctuation and capitalization, unlike my real messages. Yes, kids, spelling, grammar, and capitalization matter! In some cases, they are part of what separates us from the fraudmeister asshats.
Let’s see if I got this right: it was full of bad spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors – Taco hacked your email account….
Isaac would have known immediately.
I would have hacked Lola’s account, but I kept making typos in the hacking script I was trying to write.
*Anagram fun*
Unheeled Pyro (Dog left the arsonist’s side)
Deeper Unholy (Possessed submarine movie)
Heed Puny Lore (Listen to a Leprechaun)
Eloped, Hey Run (Best idea yet!)
Yelped Roe Hun (Spouse ate bad caviar)
Elder Euphony (Grampdaddy poetry)
Need Pure Holy (Gets rid of Zombs-)
Dry Leo Pee, Hun (Sop up catulator mattress stains)
There was an old man named Grampdaddy,
Who pounded his meat into patties.
They made him feel filled,
When they had been grilled,
on a smokey fire made out of phatties.
Well as long as you don’t pound your meat into Peppermint Patti, we would have to turn you in for that…
From what I’ve heard, Peppermint Patty prefers Marcie.
gotta wonder what that says about Charlie Brown…
Wait! I’ve just had an idea! A revolutionary idea! JohnnyPokerChamp is a “full time landscaper”, right? Well, my yard needs a lot of work. What if – bear with me, now – what if JPC came over to my house and did some landscaping jobs? And then I could pay him for the landscaping? It’s so crazy it just might work!
OK, you’re right. Naaaaaah. Something’s bound to go wrong. PayPal-ing him a grand in advance and hoping he will come through with the meat-injection-of-the-month is a much better idea. That’s why CL is here. To educate naive, old-fashioned girls like me.
I’m sure that would somehow violate the rules of the Landscaper-Con Man Union.
My dad worked as a landscaper for a few years….this guy gives landscapers a bad name!
No, I’m not spanish.
Ummm… just curious NMN …how old are you?
Just wondering. Always think it’s a good idea for the regs in here to kind of watch out for the younger crew like Astro and yourself. Puts things into perspective sometimes too.
I freaked everyone out when they learned I wasn’t 45.
Yeah… 45 going on 14.
I always thought you were 33 1/3
I think it was mostly Windrose or Lola come to think of it, but I’d have to look back to find out for sure and I’m too lazy to do so.
She said something like “You’re how old? I always pictured you as being middle aged!”
I felt old by assumption.
I remember that day. And your old avatar wouldn’t have given that impression. I still can’t believe Astro’s only 15.
Assumption? Isn’t that when Mary went up into…. oh, never mind.
I know I thought you were much older TM…now as for Astro…I’m just reeaaaaalllly struggling with the “I’m only 15” part…
NMN…yeah, 18 makes sense he/she “talks” like an 18-yr. old.
Anyway, it’s nice that y’all watch out for the younguns.
Taco, how old ARE you?
(*Not going to admit that I was imagining someone closer to the Pepsi generation, also)
Referring to HamCan – just counted on my fingers and I am 33 1/3 myself right now. Does that mean anything?
If I remember correctly, Taco is one year older than me.
But I’m not sure many of you know how old I am so that doesn’t help much, does it? ๐
I was born 19 years after the start of the Pepsi Generation.
I was 3 when Super Mario Brothers was released on the Famicom.
The Atari 2600 had been out for 4 1/2 years when I was born.
So, basically, you’re one of the guys on The Big Bang Theory, Taco? Very cool.
Before Hammy or TM get to it, I am NOT 78….
*quick google*
Yes, you are a year older than me. In fact, if I’m thinking the right month based on the 4 1/2 year calculation…almost exactly one year.
Edit: Checked the “born on date” forum discussion, we’re 6 days off from being exactly a year apart.
My wife tells me that I’m very similar to Leonard, with slightly less social debility and many, many more video games.
I was flattered?
FACT: I am currently building a set of Mega Man Perler Bead coasters. Yeah, that ages me juuust right.
EDIT: Yes SJ, you are thinking the correct month, assuming you’re seeing that the Atari 2600 was released in October.
Well, Uncle Google says the Atari 2600 was released in October, 1977 (and it autocompleted my request, too, which suggests to me that some other YSaC-ers are madly scrambling to figure this out, too). If my catulations are correct… let’s see, divide by elebenty, carry the starfish, stand up sit down fight fight fight… that makes you approximately born in 276 b.c. Amirite?
Leonard is hot, btw.
Taco, did you just call me SJ?
Edit: And yes, I did see the October release date.
Hey NMN! Don’t take it as a put-down about age, either. We really do like to take care of the younger members of the community, make sure they are welcome and nurtured until they are completely capable of eviscerating anyone who crosses their path.
You’re welcome…
I did, sorry Bridgete. I guess I’ve gotten to the point where I’m just looking at avatars and not the names, and with you two having somewhat similar cats my addled brain just picked the easiest name to type. *Looks at his clock* Yup 4:15 on Friday, my attention span is totally nonexist- OH SHINY!
(In TacoMa’am’s words: “Slightly less social debility.”)
Taco is the same age as me, I think… which is just WEIRD
( 28 )
I think Taco’s close to the same age that I am.
The 80 in my username is my birth year (1980), anyone semi-competent at math should be able to guess how old I am.
There’s also a born on date thread in the fora if anyone’s curious.
Actually, I believe Astro is 16, which makes a nice inside straight as Laurehach is 17, then NMN at 18.
Whihc poses a question on whether NMN was ever in marching band . . .
I’m slightly confused that you can tell I’m 18 by the way I talk, but I’m still he/she.
Secondly, to Grampdaddy, I’ll be raised and nurtured till I’m capable of eviscerating anyone in my path….do you mean in real life? Or on the internet?
Oh, and marching band? Nope. I can only play the kazoo.
NMN, mostly the video game preoccupation, and a little bit of the less-older-pop-culture knowledge. That’s what gives it away for me, anyways.
The born on date mostly has month and day, but no year. ๐
I’m with EB on the ability to determine age by comments. Gender is much harder, especially on here, unless the name or avatar gives it away. We all joke about massive links and meat injections without regard to our own gender.
Cap’n, I just checked the born on dates, and unless January lands at a different time for you than for me, Astro is still 15, because he was 15 when I started commenting, and that was in late May. I’m also pretty sure the last time Laurel said her age, she said 16.
The fact that I understood HamCan’s 33 1/3 comment AND Grampdaddy’s 78 comment makes me feel a lot older than 4 years shy of middle age.
Oh well then, I was wrong–teach me to rely upon memory.
Uhhhh, I re-read, and all of the sudden “landscaper” and “meat delivery” took on a very squiky slant. :::shudder shudder:::
As in – some guys like it if the meat delivery site is landscaped?
Apparently I have a personal grudge against the line.
…. Giving Whirlwitch the highest of fives…. Doors a’plenty for you!
Exactly, WW! Here’s some more doors.
Heck, take this extra set of shutters, too. They are like tiny louvered doors, but for windows.
I think this needs the “disingenuous” tag. I at first read the title as offering $1000 TO YOU in exchange for help of some unspecified sort. But no, Sparky wants YOU to give HIM the money.
How could I have missed this. It had to have been reflecto-porn. Eureka! Now the meat reference makes sense!
OT: So, I still giggle every time I see the “Won’t you be my neighbor” sign on my way home from work. Now I have a better mental image to attach to it.
Ahoy EB!
A hoy is a type of boat.
How could you think of anything other than a man in a zippered cardigan?
Well, Mr. Zippered Cardigan is on the sign. But, the image is him holding said bee bee guns. “Won’t you bee my neighbor? *maniacal laugh*”
I am confused by the way these threads appear. I never know which “reply” will put my reply closest to the post to which I am replying. Why is my enucleation post so far away from the defenestration posts?
*DISCLAIMER: I really am confused by the order of the posts but also just really like typing “enucleation” and “defenestration”.
By the time the third nesting comes along, it doesn’t really want to go farther in. So in order to reply as close to below a comment as you can, you need to scroll up and click the first “reply” button you come across. The reply box will be placed right above the next “reply” link. Clear as mud?
“By the time the third nesting comes along, it doesn’t really want to go farther in.”
Yup, no explicitness here. Not.
*Twitchtwitch. Twitch*
Also, I think having a second energy-drink-mix was a bad idea. Especially after I was already shaky from fast-walking around the park in 88 degree weather, and having consumed only about 400 calories for the day. Here comes the twitchy muscles….
Note to self (hehe! it is a note to myself! I’m replying to my own comment!): mg of caffeine consumed must be equal or greater than 3 times the kcal consumed in the last 18 hours in order to avoid the TacoMagicTwitchies.
Edit: *twitch*
The voice in my head is on endless repeat. It’s going “Uh-oh… you made a mistake! *chants* Made a mistake! Kissed a snake! How many doctors will it take! Oe… Two… Three… Four… I declare a thumb war! Five Size Seven Eight! Who do we appreciate?? Dr. McNinja! Made a mistake, kissed a snake, how many doctors will it take? One… Two… Three… Four… I declare a thumb war! Five Six Seven Eight! ……”
This, EB, is why I a-door you so much.
EB, I wasn’t as confused as I sounded based on the location my post posted. I do know you’re right, I was more addressing Capn’s post.
But now I’m thinking about how cool it would be to throw something out of someone’s eye sockets. You would, of course, have to enucleate them first (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I got to type it again). Becuase if you didn’t, then it would be the eyeball itself being thrown out through the socket and there would really be a question whether you were defenestrating or enucleating (OMGOMGOMGOMG it’s like quiet T-shirt time all up in here). And it would have to be something that was either inside or behind the person’s head, I think. I will leave that part to Leonard/Taco.
Replies are limited to being three deep.
They are threaded within that structure.
A. has a Reply
A.1 has a reply
A.2 does not
A.3 ditto above.
A.1.a has a reply
A.1.b does not.
B. has a Reply
C. has a Reply
C.1 has a reply
C.2 does not
C.3 ditto
C.4 ditto
and so on.
Now, the jestro page theme does apply colors and boxes, which are supposed to help, but, it can be easy to miss the next reply while scrolling up a page. On a hand-held device, like a phone, this is probably redoubled.
That help any?
I like soup.
I like chocolate.
The llammu apparently like cheese.
I’m boggled you were able to figure that out. I just went so far as to remember to scroll up for the nearest “reply” click and left it at that.
I like cereal.
I like popcorn.
I like Peppermint Patties.
I like stuff! It’s the stuffiest!
Weee, I’m talking amongst myself again!
*twitch twitch*
I’ve done that before….usually late at night, at about 1 in the morning.
No you’re not (well, maybe over on f.b {g})
Ok, last night on one of my builder’s fora, they had found a CL listing to lampoon.
Some elegant Sparky had a Cunning Plan. They own some bottom land and want a pond. So, on CL they have an ad, you get all the topsoil for free, if you’ll just dig it out and haul it away.
Oh, they’d estimanted it was at least 120,000 cubic yards; about 5 acres 12′ deep of topsoil.
Lessee, 15 yard dump truck is only 8000 trips (3.8 working years if the dumping site is only an hour away).
So, maybe our landscaping Sparquie can help. With his beat-up pickup truck (2 cubic yards) and a beat up 1/10 yard Bobcat, that’s twenty bobcat trips a truck load, call that a half hour.
Let’s guess Sparquie’s condo has 5 to 10 empty acres and is only 30 minutes away.
That’s 60,000 trips, and 60,000 hours. Ok, Sparquie is industrious and works 300 10 hour days, or 3000 hours. Sparq’ will finish in 20 years.
At $15/cy, he should gross $1.8million selling topsoil.
He will have worn out 10 or 11 Bobcats at $20K each.
And at least 5 construction p/u at about $20K each, too.
Then, the rent on the condo, 20 years @ $9500/mo.
Let’s average diesel out at 10 gal/dy at %2.75/gal.
1,800,000 gross
-200,000 excavators
-100,000 trucks
-2,280,000 rent(oops, forgot $1000 discount for steaks)-2,040,000 rent
-165,000 fuel
Sparq’ makes
oops, and Sparq has to give away the steaks, so nothing to eat. And, he has not paid taxes or other fees, either. (Like the wetlands permits the pond-wanting Sparky doesn’t know to get yet.)
Nope, you can learn everything on the intertubes, no need for people with experience or licenses of actual, paid-for businesses and the like . . .
le Sigh
Dnag it: </del> !
Oh, holy Clothespin Jeebus. I was just looking at the YSaCtionary definition of Corey. I had read the original post before but never the comments. OMG you guys, I am going to have abs of steel from laughing. I scared my cats out of the room about halfway through. This is a perfect example of how the posts are hy-freaking-larious, but your comments are just as funny. Well done. Doors to all.
I just noticed that my innuendo was especially thinly veiled today…and my snark was of low quality.*Sorry, blush*
I was a little cranky because I was rudely awakened at 1am by a rowdy group of teenagers who thought it was a great idea to TP, egg, paint ball and cabbage* the entire neighborhood.
Keep in mind that this is a very quiet suburban neighborhood on a dead end street where nothing much like this ever happens.They picked up most of the mess at my…”request” until the cops showed up, then they scattered ๐
Apparently they had slashed a few tires and keyed some cars, also caused an accident by tossing cabbages at cars.
Dangerous behavior, and they are lucky they didn’t go into the wrong yard or threaten the wrong person and get themselves shot.
*The sheriff told me it was “cabbage day” apparently a local high school tradition…WTFBBQ?
WTF Steak of the Month BBQ indeed! I hope they caught at least some of them!
One of my friends was almost blinded by an egg thrown at her car (going 55). Her window was down and it hit her left eye. She thought it was a rock at first, and started screaming because she thought the goo running down her face was her eye. The kids who did it weren’t caught.
Man, back in my day all
wethe bad kids did was smoke pot in someone’s basement and listen to music.They were out there making noise like it was the 4th of July.
When I cornered them they looked at me as if I was the one doing something wrong.
Couple good spankings using the “judge” when they were younger might have learned them to have a little more respect for other people.
I never have understood the “I’m the center of the universe and no one else matters” mentality.
To those who are editing the wiki: My two cents on the periodic table is posted in the forum.
I added 11 – Cc – Cranialchlorine for you plus I thought up another one…
69 – Gr -Getarumium
And I edited the page the way you suggested, I was going to do that at some point nanyway because no one would ever scroll down to the end of the list.
I keep meaning to compliment you on your Avatar, it is very well done and intriguing.
Thanks! I’ll admit that I took this picture after spending an insane amount of money at a salon to get it that straight. It went back to its normal frizzed out state within hours. Maybe I’ll post a normal hair picture sometime, around Halloween would be appropriate.
Sorry, gang, can’t read it all tonight. I’ll graze through it tomorrow. But here’s something I am happy to do! LRC, for predicting that CJ would be in the box today, here’s an Honorary Punchity Punch Punch!
CJ, here’s A CLU! Punchity Punch Punch!
G’Night, Prague!