YSaC, Vol. 580: Sweet …
2010 February 17
16 – $35
Good working condition.
Damn. Where were you yesterday when I needed a 16? Today I need a 17. Tomorrow I’m going to need a 23 (inflation, you understand … ).
Thanks, dwalter!
16 – $35
Good working condition.
Damn. Where were you yesterday when I needed a 16? Today I need a 17. Tomorrow I’m going to need a 23 (inflation, you understand … ).
Thanks, dwalter!
The Winner of the 2014 Suck Off is (Drum roll, please)
*HamCan! Hooray!
Want a Not.A.Lion t-shirt AND a Llama-nun's Prayer mug? How about a Cat Math mousepad? Of course you do!
All are now available as t-shirts and other things! (The llamanun mugs contain the YSaC group prayer on the back.)
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bianchisound on YSaC, Vol CXCII In case anyone ever checks. I just saw this ad and missed everyone here. Enjoy! https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/pho/d/nellis-afb-womans-feet/7164431024.html | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1800: So long, and thanks for all the bees. Wow, it’s amazing to finally find this site. I’d say I’m late in getting here, but I know I’m right… | |
Decelerate Spoon on YSaC, Vol. 1243: A little hard of herring. I thought this joke smelt, but this guy really knew how to drop the bass. And it flopped around everywhere… |
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Copyright 2025 You Suck at Craigslist
I’ll totally pay $35 to be 16 again, albeit only temporarily, considering the kind of work I did at that age. The need to have a professional job as an adult is made up for by not being a minor and having my own house; I don’t think I could trade that, even for youth.
I’m not paying for a 16-year-old though, not even at that price; too many legal and ethical/moral issues, plus no gender specification. Also, they eat a lot if they’re boys, and if they’re girls they often don’t eat enough and then whinge about being fat when they aren’t, at least in my experience. I have a full set of my own neuroses to keep me occupied, thank you very much!
You know what they say: buy a 16 now get a free 20 later.
In Thailand?
I thought it was 16 will get you 20. 8)
Well, a 16 in Base 8 _is_ a 20, Ed.
But it’s only 10 in hexadecimal.
But, it’s -2 in Base_cat
I thought we graduated from Cat Math.
Laurelhach, this is the remedial class for those of us who didn’t make the cut. Sigh.
I have a male 16. You’d go broke. I know he doesn’t do $35 worth of work even on a good day. Consuming $35+ of food is another story.
Artsy, I have a male 17, who drives. At least he has a job now, so he will be less of an economic drain on his parental units.
Update: He’s buying a motorcycle. >o<
Amen, sister Lola.
Nothing about my sixteen that really requires revisiting (or risking the quantum consequences thereafter, either).
Not all that keen on the company of 16 year olds as is, either.
It’s a bad age for both pets and livestock.
It’s the worst blackjack hand, too–too low to stand; too high to hit.
And, lest we needed another reason to abjure 16, if it were a good thing, single malt would be aged that long. Qou erat imbibere demonstratom.
Oh dear, I hadn’t thought of that. *poof*
I quite enjoyed being 16. Except for the crippling fear and self loathing. Yup. All was good.
Good working condition? Yeah, that 16 yr old slave better be in good working condition if I’m paying a whole $35 for ‘im!
Maybe it is $35 for 16 hyphens? I am sure a lot of craigslist users could use some punctuation.
This is a good guess. However, that would mean he had 17 hyphens before he wrote the ad, right? What a moron. Hyphens don’t grow on trees, you know.
(hyphen tree. original art by not.a.silva)
Edit to add: I assure you, this hyphen tree was *much* nicer with my original formatting. Too bad I suck at xhtml. Oh well. You guys have good imaginations. Just pretend it was a semi-recognizable tree shape, and go from there.
I’m trying emesis, truly I am, but I’m not seeing a tree there, sorry.
Is it like one of those magic eye pictures though? Because no matter how much I stare at those things all I see is a blur.
Some people’s family trees don’t have forks in them…
Sigh… It was a very *nice* tree, I swear. As nice as a tree made of punctuation can be, if it is made by an inbred naked mole rat in under 30 seconds.
Dev, if you move the top mark down to the left side, the second mark become the top, and the third mark is the right side. Then I think the last two marks should be side by side. It IS a nice tree!
“I’m trying emesis, truly I am,”
Ok, I had to read that three times, to finally realize you were not attempting to improve your visual perception by way of regurgitation.
I do appreciate that seeing poorly pruned trees can raise a person’s gorge; but there are a number of OTC remedies for that.
I know it’s not exactly treelike, but there’s no reason to try emesis!
I’m actually in the market for a new 16 – my current 16 has only 6 sides, seats 8, and is a 5 x 7 square, so it would be a relief to get my hands on a 16 in good working condition. I just have a few questions before I fork over my $35.
1. Does it have a minty shell?
2. Is it equipped for cat math?
3. Will it fit under my ottoman?
4. Many more, too many to list.
With the normal Craigslist math:
7 – $10
6 – $10
3 – $10
or take them all for $35.
Shouldn’t it be:
7 – $10
6 – $10
5 – $10
or take all 16 for $35.
I believe you mean:
7 – Free
6 – Free
5 – Free
or take all 16 for $35.
Can this 16 be used to keep my daughter from turning 17 next month? I’d pay $35 to keep that from happening.
kelli, I’m afraid you’ll have to use the old fashioned method: Lock her in her room until she’s 18.
I can totally relate to wanting 16 minuses for $35, but I think I’d rather have 16 plusses. At this point in my life, I find plusses useful as the minuses tend to pile up.
I could trade my minuses for some rare cereals, or even a minty shell.
I don’t want any snow, though, had enough of that crap last week and now…it’s just mud.
Well… two minuses do make a plus… so really it’s $35 for 8 plusses.
I don’t know if that’s a good price or not.
Sheesh! What a rip-off! I’ll just take the 16 minuses and make my own plusses, thankyouverrrymuch.
I remember when I sold my 18 for $12 last week. I feel ripped off now. I bet this was the very guy who bought it from me, knocked off two, and now is reselling it for a big upcharge.
Don’t be fooled people! It’s just a refurbished 18!
*Shakes his fist*
Yes, but did it have the minty shell when you sold it?
I’ve got it! This is the price for 16 cats 3. That sounds reasonable, I guess.
I dunno…for $35 I’d need at least elebenty cats.
Cat Math is too hard for me! I can never figure out how to make my answers come out to elebenty spinach dip!
Maybe the seller is actually trying to sell one ‘6’. We’ll never know.
Maybe it’s 16 Not.A.Lions and he just knew that we would know that. A picture of a Not.A.Lion would have helped in our understanding sooner though.
The poster is obviously that Muppet on Sesame Street who wore a trenchcoat and was always trying to sell letters. Now they’ve branched out into selling numbers; I guess there’s no more sunny days when the Great Recession hits Sesame Street.
That Muppet used to charge a nickel. Inflation has clearly hit Sesame Street too!
Luckily it didn’t really affect Oscar that much.
Though seeing Big Bird selling himself on the street corner, boy that really drove home how bad the recession has gotten.
Next they’ll be downsizing their alphabet to only 15 letters and selling off all the even numbers.
No the recession really hit home when Elmo was charging people $5 to “tickle” him, nudge nudge, wink wink.
I also heard Bert and Ernie and Gordon and Susan got their apartment foreclosed on and a Walmart will be built in its place.
It really depends. If it’s a 4×4, it might be worth it. An 8×2? not so much. And a 16×1 is just a rip off.
I’m trying to picture the 16×1. Would it be a kind of limo-cycle?
Would it be a kind of limo-cycle?
“Centipede” to use the trucking/transport term.
– : : : : : : : –
One of those singles will be powered, tyically in a “tractor” fashion. Symmetrical design lets the unit reverse by just swapping which single is the drive wheel.
I dunno about this “centipede” thing. Seems like the term wouldn’t apply in this case unless you cut off all except the front legs, and then strapped its ass on a skateboard. And that’s just sick and twisted. Why would you even suggest such a thing?!
Well, I am given to understand that the over-the-road trucking community first started using the term for any trailer with more than ten tires on the road.
I have some compadres in the “special loads” trade, who have a “low-boy” trailer which can be configured to be slung between combinations of bogie wheel sets, ranging from ten tires to 14 tires to distribute the load to the pavement.
The service is so specialized, you pay for the empty trailer as well as the full one. So, either there are “mor’ tar’s on’ground t’an a center-peed” or the separate bogies are toted on the lowboy in a collection of less-identifiable trailer parts and tires and wheels.
There is no intent toward either vivisection nor malicious abuse of Chilopdae, merely a term-of-art from a specialized argot.
Maybe it’s a stray bit of string theory experiment apparatatus, as it could be 2^4, and the rest of the description is expressed in that fourth spatial dimension.
This guy seems to be a bit of a square.
Yeah, he doesn’t really seem to be rooted in reality either.
That would seem two be a prime factor in all this.
Too bad it’s all imaginary anyway.
Oh get real! Let’s try to keep this discussion rational.
Oh go climb up a pole, Jackie.
If this 16 is 5 x 7, I have a space on my wall for it, but for $35 the seller will need to deliver.
Seems reasonable, if it’s late 60s or early 70s, with David Cassidy on the cover. It would fit nicely with my Tiger Beat Bobby Sherman issue.
Not.a.Lion. Beat
Now all I can think of is JTT and Andrew Keegan. Sooooo dreamy!
JTT>Hanson or Leo any day.
Oooh Backstreet Boys fold-out on page 42!
Eh, David Cassidy was alright, but my heart will always belong to Shaun. Hardy Boys beat the Partridge Family any day.
Now get out sarajean’s magic calculator and solve for X
The answer is ALWAYS cookies!
Hey! I thought the answer was always 42??
Except when it’s pancakes.
√Pancakes = cookies
But isn’t it sammiches, at least sometimes?
Mmmm, sammiches, then cookies. 🙂
… Yes, it is getting close to lunch here, why?
Oh, you guys are making me wish I could chew today.
*shakes package*
Protein shake, Isaac?
Mmm, chthulhu just made a toasted bagel ham and cheese sammich for me. Yum!
I thought the answer was always 34? At least, that’s what the internets taught me.
I thought according to the famous Cat Math calculator the answer was usually pilchards, or maybe tuna?
I made a bone-in ham for Valentine’s day. Since then I’ve been having grilled ham, cheese, and egg on whole wheat sandwiches. If I keep this up I’m gonna be huge.
For those who want delisciousness:
1 egg
1 *blorp* milk
1 slice ham
1/2 cup shredded cheese
2 slices awesome bread (I perfer whole wheat for mine)
butter or margerine
•Heat a large frying pan or griddle with a little bit of butter or margerine.
•Whisk the egg together with your blorp of milk.
•Place the slice of ham on the griddle.
•Butter one side of both pieces of the bread and place on griddle butter down, drissle the non-butter side of the bread with 1/4 each of the egg mixture.
•Pour remaining egg mixture in a small pool on the griddle.
•As the bread is toasted and the ham becomes sizzly, turn them over.
•Once the egg has solidified, turn it over and sprinkle with half the cheese.
•Once all ingredients are cooked, and the cheese melted stack in desired order, sprinking remaining cheese just under the top layer.
•Suggested stack order: Bread, Egg, Ham, Cheese, Bread).
I nominate 1 *blorp* of milk as the band name of the day.
∙ Contact cardiologist for possible bypass surgery
Oh wait, you used whole wheat bread. Should be o.k.
The really sad thing is that that sandwich is probably healthier than half of a Big Mac.
Also healthier than 1/4 cup of ranch dressing I’d guess. Most things are anyway.
jg, does that mean the huge slice of chocolate cake won’t hurt me if I drink a diet cola with it? 8) Dude, you can be MY nutritionist!
Hey TM, is the bonin’ ham for Valentine’s day a pun? ‘Cause that’s what I would make.
I was wondering about the bone-in ham, too, and wondering how TMm gets away with calling his spouse a pig. On valentine’s day, no less.
Wasn’t gonna say anything either, but … thirded. As for calling his wife a pig – hey, you never can predict people’s nicknames. (And often you don’t want to know the backstory.)
You might remember that my Child’s nicknames include Metatron and Creepy. I wouldn’t take anything for granted were I you.
A blorp of milk? That sounds a lot like the sound my 5-month old makes when he spits up after eating too much–and probably close to the amount you’re thinking of, too. I think I will -not- add a blorp of milk to my sandwiches, thankyouverymuch…
Someone should put up listings for 4, 8, 15, 23, and 42 and see if someone goes after them all. It could explain a whole lot.
Would you have to ship them via Oceanic Airways?
I’d go after them–but I’d come in the middle of the night and you’d never catch me. And I would have to have my own cool trombone theme music.
You all read it wrong. It’s Six Teen{s}. Clearly this person is trying to sell their six teens as a package deal. They disguise the real items as a number to throw you off.
I’m just trying to figure out how they came up with $35. $36 would make more sense at $6 a teen. Must be one of those newfangled “discounts” I’ve been hearing about.
My snark-free theory is this – This is an ad for a shotgun. Since craigslist policy prohibits selling guns, ammo, gun parts, ammo parts, things that sound like the word “gun”, things that look like guns, things that smell like guns…, people who want to sell their firearms on CL use as obscure language as they can, but sometimes overdo it. Thus a Colt .45 cal 1911M1 could become anything, including just “Colt”, “1911”, “.45”, etc. This ad for “16” could mean “Benelli (or other brand) 16-gauge double-barrel break-open action shotgun with custom engraving and double-trigger.” If this is the case though, in trying to obscure the facts as much as possible the poster accidentally omitted at least one zero from the price. Any gun for $35 is most certainly not in good working condition. Unfortunately, since I’m not a morning person (and here I use “morning” to mean any part of the day that comes between at least an hour before sunrise and the first hint of sunset) I used all of my creativity coming up with a snark-free theory, so now I can’t come up with a snark-full theory. Gonna go watch swaying blades of grass now.
Yeah, but for $35 can you trust it NOT to blow up in your face first time out?
I know I wouldn’t.
Most reasonable non-snarky explanation I’ve heard so far. I see a lot of ads advertising “bang bangs” and similar euphemisms, trying to get around the prohibition.
Wow, you got all that from four numbers a dash and a dollar sign. I am impressed. With creativity like that you don’t need snark.
I believe Yancy’s snark-less hypothesis was disguising a bit of DA minty corey wisdom…
True, that.
And pithy.
… Except that it was disguised about as well as a not.a.lion…
Hey, you may be on to something here. There’s a 12″ “Hunter Bob” line of action figures, which, like more 1/6 action figures, have accessories.
CL (like eBay and TSA) has banned “toy” representations before. Berhaps this is a second listing of a 1/16 benneli 16ga?
As good an answer as this is misspelling and was supposed to be i6=$35
Today’s YS@C is brought to you by:
The numbers 16 and 35; by the words “working” and “good”; and by “numerical units”.
What? Oh, sorry. Scratch that bit about “numerical units”. No one uses THOSE any more.
Maybe a 16 is a car.
I was thinking it could be someone’s vital statistics: 16 chest $ waist and 35 hips. Oh! That’s a triangle.
The answer is 42.
But what is the question?
Doesn’t matter, the answer is always 42…..unless we’re talking pancakes. Then, I think, the answer is either cookies or sammiches.
My first thought was: drug lingo. Don’t know what that says about me…
Hmm, lareina, maybe it says that you are a material girl, living in a material world? Don’t ask me what THAT means, though.
Ah, the 80’s reference…
One of the few songs of Madonna I actually liked. LOL
If it helps Lareina, you’re not the only one whose mind went there.
Yay! Drugs for everyone! *unscrews cap of prescription bottle*
*lines up*
Everyone has better scrips than I do. (Especially my parents. Their medicine cabinet has at least a four-figure, if not higher, street value.)
I think it’s a drug reference too. A certain drug is 50-60 for an 8th ounce, so I think this person might be trying to sell 1/16th of an ounce for 35.
Hey, congratulations, keelhaulrose! (Are we related?) Here’s your first card punch!
Oh this is a bargain for a /16, that’s in base 10 or 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000 in binary,
That give you 35,535 Ip addresses, at just over 10 Cents per address!!
I’ll take two or 0010…
That should be just under .10 Cents, my cat was helping me with the math…
Please tell me that’s an intended “Lost” reference. (i.e.- 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
Well, it was a reference to something at one point, and the reference got lost…
Hey we broke 100! I can’t wait for tomorrow’s post, probably some nut trying to sell you power harnessed from the sun. Yeah, right. G’night folks!
we always keep track of our family tree because it is exciting to know the family tree :`*