YSaC, Vol. 420: The house also comes with hot and cold running heroin.
FREE MARIJUANA PLANTS!! ([entire address posted!])
I just moved into a new house and I found what appears to be 7 female marijuana plants. The plants are about 4-5 feet tall each and are about to bud. I will also give away the buds and seeds that have been produced buy these plants.
If you would like to pick these up, please call Junior @ xxx-xxx-xxxx.Thanks.
Do you think this person is operating under the “it’s not illegal if I don’t sell it” theory? I mean, he certainly seems to know a lot about marijuana plants for someone who is uninterested in keeping them. I suppose it’s also possible someone is trying to get Junior busted. Or robbed.
Regardless, posting your full address and phone number when advertising marijuana is probably a pretty bad idea:
QUINCY, Mass. — A man has been arrested after he allegedly placed an advertisement on Craigslist selling marijuana. Police said undercover detectives responded to the advertisement and bought a small bag of pot from 30-year-old Christopher Gray for $45.
According to police, Christopher Gray posted the advertisement on the online classified site with the words “420 help is here.” The item read “Give me a ring if you need some help,” and listed a phone number, which a detective called Friday and arranged for a meeting with Gray in Quincy.
Junior may be moving to another new house soon. To Junior’s credit, this is the most coherent advertisement for marijuana that I’ve ever seen, so hopefully he’ll enjoy the prison library.
Thanks for the submission, Katika!
Look for this news headline soon:
Man arrested for selling stolen marijuana plants
He certainly knows a lot about the plants he “discovered.” How do you tell if they’re female? Look under their leaves?
Oh good-none of those male plants! They’re so territorial…
Now I’m picturing tiny dresses on the plants, and maybe a pretty ribbon or two.
Ah, the things you can learn from Google … Male vs. female pot plants, and why you don’t want male plants.
Who knew? (Well, other than folks who grow marijuana, I mean.)
I’m very curious, but I think clicking those links on my work laptop is a BAD idea.
Wow…that was everything I never wanted to know about marijuana. Darn me and my curious nature.
I knew. I came by the info from the opposite end, though–on some green website that explained the environmental advantages of hemp rope/clothing/etc.
I think the males tend to spray to mark their territory.
I completely missed the “L” in “plants.” “Free Marajuana Pants” sounded far more interesting than plants…
Wow. Just…Wow. I thought the furnace guy and the car thief were dumb.
I guess the plants were taking up the room he was going to use for his still.
“Free Marijuana Pants” would be a great band name, one of those not-quite-horrible bar bands that can only do Grateful Dead and Doors covers in exchange for a free tab.
And now you know why it’s called Dope.
“Man arrested after police arrive to find supposed marijuana plants were in fact seven small girls about 4-5 feet tall”
Would that be seven small girls about 4-5 feet tall named Mary Jane?
And yet another front seat rider on the fast track of the Natural Selection Train! This has GOT to be a setup. No one can be that stupid, can they? *whimper*
they are that stupid. only NOT dying prevents them from receiving darwin awards. be thankful that you didnt birth em or have to teach em.
Oh lord, he put his whole address and everything.
Bless his stupid little (pot-addled) heart.
Yeah, I’m guessing there were originally more that 7 to begin with.
Just a guess, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the ad were placed by a neighbor or enemy as a “prank” to get someone in trouble.
Maybe the “free giveaway” ad was a police sting?
Anyone else like the fact that this was Vol. 420?
Well spotted.
I saw that too. =)
I’m sure drmk did that on purpose ;~)
I figured it was related to the content of the post, but I didn’t realize we actually were up to vol. 420. I thought maybe drmk got creative with the numbering.
I once roomed at a house my friend had just bought, and he discovered dead/dried up pot plants in a locked sub-space of the basement. Freaked out about how the police could take possession of his house, he called the police to come and get them. It was goofy but the dutiful police did in fact come and get them…Not sure why they were abandoned, other than the prospect of moving them and the equipment probably was a challenge for the previous occupants, ha! I am still waiting for bodies to be found in the crawl-space; it was a v. spooky basement. In any event, Craigslist never even crossed our minds for obvious reasons….
You know, I don’t think I will be able to really explain to people why I now know that there is a difference in marijuana plant sexes. They are never going to believe I learned this on YSACL. I am going to have to keep this article number in my wallet, should the fact ever come up.
How strange the loss of innocence occurs.
See? We here at YSaC are all about education. Maybe not the type you expected, though.
Yeah, good idea. Write on a scrap of paper, “Article 420 – got from drmk at YSaC.”
If it is ever found, that’s going to keep you and the police in the interrogation room for a couple extra hours!
“No really, she runs a blog!”
“”Oh, I see, a ‘blog’. Is that what you hippies are calling it now?”
So, how stoned do you have to be to think that “420” is top-sekrit code enough that the cops will never figure out what you mean when you post it on CL?
Dude, put like, “420 help” or something in the ad, so like, the cops won’t get like, we’re like selling like umm…uhh…Dude, I’m hungry. Tahaaha!
Hey, I live in Quincy! I’m so proud…..
I live in Quincy too! It is indeed a proud day for our town. 😉
Someone is smoking too much of what they are selling/ giving away.
Junior, as in Junior detective, who will probably get promoted if enough idiots answer this ad?
If you believe that, and if you have an active warrant, I have a free boat for you…
Best YSaC ever.
I’m so out of it, I don’t even get the 420 reference. :::hanging grizzled head in shame:::
This level of intelligence reminds me of a story a police officer once told me – a parent once called in to report that their child had stolen from them … stolen their stash, to be precise.
Unfortunately, posting this stuff on Craigslist is going to get the anti cannibis nazis breaking down their door. Remember, MJ is illegal, yet alcohol (which causes violence) is not. Feh! Oh yes, we are engaged in a never ending drug war that profits the cartels and the gov’t, and has lead to the creation of really nasty drugs like meth. PS: I don’t recommend coming to America, after all we are at war (drug war) :/