YSaC, Vol. 285: Colorless green ideas optimize furiously.

2009 April 28

Article writer needed- high volume

I currently have 9 clients that each need articles written on a weekly basis. Articles are for SEO purposes, and have to contain SOME keyword density, but have to be interesting enough to be read and accepted by various sources. I need 10 articles per week per client, and the pay is $1/ article. The total for 9 clients comes out to $90/ per week. Each article will be at least one page long (more or less). This should be a simple enough side gig for someone starting out. We are looking for someone to start out and grow with the company; does not have to be local, but must be in the US.

Must be able to write efficiently and productively in a timely manner; articles are necessary every week. Please send examples to be considered.

Thank you!

  • This is a part-time job.
  • This is a contract job.
  • This is an internship job

Mike sends this one in, saying “He needs SEO articles, which is what I do. At one page each, a good article would take an hour. Assuming you could write 2 articles in an hour, which no one could, that would take up 45 hours a week. Which comes out to around … oh , $2.00 an hour. For a 45 hour week. With no benefits. But plan on $1.00 an hour. I think twice about bending over to pick up a dollar in the street. I just took a pay cut for my SEO writing, and I am a relative beginner. I make $32.50. AN HOUR. What a dipshit.”

45 hours a week doesn’t exactly sound like a part-time job, either. $1 per article? For $1 I would go to the ChomskyBot and copy and past whatever came out of it and call that an article. Throw a couple of SEO keywords in there and you’re good to go.

12 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 April 28
    Kelly permalink

    These tyoe of ads infuriate me. Yes, let me give away my talent, you cheap fuck. This just devalues the entire creative process.

    I bet these folks wonder why they can’t get sterling talent for the princely sums they offer.

    Adores: 1
  2. 2009 April 28
    Kelly permalink

    These type of ads infuriate me. Yes, let me give away my talent, you cheap fuck. This just devalues the entire creative process.

    I bet these folks wonder why they can’t get sterling talent for the princely sums they offer.

    Adores: 0
  3. 2009 April 28
    blake permalink

    Sigh….I see them way too often as a designer. “Anyone willing to create my website for 50 bucks?”

    Sure, Asshat, now call a plumber and try to haggle him down to $7/hr and see how that goes.

    Adores: 2
  4. 2009 April 28

    This sounds like something that’s happened to me recently. Somebody wanted to pay $15 for me to design graphics for an entire line of clothing. The mind, it boggles!

    Hey, can anyone fix my car? I have some ABC gum and a $2 bill.

    Adores: 6
  5. 2009 April 28

    There aren’t even words to describe how incensed I get when I see these things. I too have been asked to produce articles for the web at rates of 2 cents a word ($4- $6/article). 80 articles would earn me my entire rent money, Yeee hah! This kind of expectation would be funny – if it wasn’t so prevalent.

    (PS I touched on this subject briefly here and here.)

    Adores: 2
  6. 2009 April 28

    wow thats ridiculous and i hope no one falls for it….no one should be that desperate for “experience” on the resume

    Adores: 0
  7. 2009 April 28

    This would be fine if it weren’t for this line: “but must be in the US.”

    Most of the world dreams of $1/hour, people. Count your blessings.

    Adores: 0
  8. 2009 June 13
    Charlene permalink

    Standard “America is the only country in the world where the people aren’t actually living in dirt” bull. I’ll count my blessings I’ve never been to the United States and had to deal with this attitude in real life.

    Adores: 2
    • 2009 December 28
      emeff permalink

      Don’t worry Charlene, it’s not standard. BUT, there are plenty of places where people are living in poverty, U.S. included. We’re just one of the places where $1/hr isn’t at all sufficient to live on. It is in some places, so complaining that they have to be in the U.S. is legit. I don’t know why you took such offense.

      Adores: 1
  9. 2009 August 15
    Amy permalink

    I’m surprised no one caught 9 clients at $1/article = $90. I find it hard to believe each needs 10 articles/week.

    Adores: 0
  10. 2009 August 17
    Hiyame permalink

    As an attorney, I guess I can’t talk about getting under payed, but I am really good to my clients. If they can’t pay that month, I let them off the hook. But since they are my only source of income, after about a year of no one paying me because I’m too nice to them to file a collections action, it really starts to upset me. Yes, I’m a lawyer (or a laywer, whichever you prefer ^^) but I am poor ass. Man, people really undervalue professionals…

    Adores: 1

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