YSaC, Vol. 1760: Magic Bust

2014 September 24

kenmore. Elite Matching washer and dryer – $250

They r brand new and need to sell girl Friends mom got Got one that she’s more room cuz the house is small a top on in the bottom one saw these ones are up for grabs 250. Ob offer thanks

So you’re selling your girlfriend’s mom? Is that legal? Also, I’m not sure sawing a washer is really good for it. Or is this some sort of magic trick? Wait, I think I’ve seen that one: You push the washer/dryer together, put your girlfriend’s mom in so she’s sticking out of both sides, and then saw it in half. Yeah, that was pretty good. Not as good as making the Statue of Liberty disappear while it was inside a refrigerator, but waay better than escaping from the dishwasher while handcuffed.

Thanks for the magic, sd!

18 Responses leave one →
  1. 2014 September 24
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    Someone’s been reading too much ee cummings.

    Adores: 1
    • 2014 September 24
      nojazzhere permalink

      …either that or Schultzy and bob cummings…..

      Adores: 3
  2. 2014 September 24

    Sparky’s girlfriend’s mom’s house is small on top, much bigger on the first floor, and small again in the basement. That is the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.

    Adores: 8
    • 2014 September 24
      One Moving Violation permalink

      Rather than a mouse hunt, you’re looking at Anne Elk hunt.

      Adores: 2
      • 2014 September 24
        Windrose permalink

        brackets miss brackets

        Adores: 0
      • 2014 September 24
        Anne [Miss] Elke permalink


        Adores: 0
  3. 2014 September 24

    William Shatner sells a washer/dryer set…

    …or a girlfriend

    …or a girlfriend’s mom

    …or girlfriend’s mom got got

    And all because the house is small.

    Adores: 9
  4. 2014 September 24
    One Moving Violation permalink

    Good thing all of those ones are spelled with lower case letters so I don’t have to deny anything.

    Adores: 1
  5. 2014 September 24
    James permalink

    No no you guys you’re missing the point the poster has to sell his girlfriend & mother BECAUSE she (?) IS More Room(MR). She(?) is spatiality itself, She (?) is forever MR: as always, if and, because. To sidetrack a little bit; I have discovered that I am invulnerable to both Cause and Effect AND all ethical and moral dilemmas!

    So how was everybodys weekends… That was several days ago?

    Adores: 4
    • 2014 September 24
      CapnMac permalink

      I put your proposed formula,

      f(x) = D(1) + W(1)
      lim 0 ⌠ S + GF + Gf(M)
      lim ∞ ⌡ house

      to the catulator, but ran out of treats, salmon and otherwise, which renders the thing as insolvable as Foucault’s 3rd Theory of kibbles.

      Adores: 0
  6. 2014 September 24
    Windrose permalink

    I wanna be matched with an elite! I think I’d rather be matched with an elite dryer, though.

    Adores: 0
  7. 2014 September 24
    Demon Duck of Doom permalink

    What did a top on in the bottom one saw?

    a) Black and white and red all over

    b) The higher the fewer

    c) girl Friends mom

    d) (Llama) nun of the above

    Adores: 7
  8. 2014 September 24
    camille permalink

    Girlfriend’s mom is small on top,
    The bottom ones are up for grabs,

    Adores: 6
  9. 2014 September 24
    Windrose permalink

    Hammy, Walkies! Good doggie! Punchity Punch Punch!

    I’ll have to remember that one.

    Good Afternoon, Lauderators!

    Adores: 3
  10. 2014 September 24
    kelli permalink

    I will not make the gay sex joke. I will not make the gay sex joke.I will not make the gay sex joke.I will not make the gay sex joke.I will not make the gay sex joke.

    Adores: 3
    • 2014 September 24
      Windrose permalink

      Which gay sex joke is that, kelli?

      Adores: 1
      • 2014 September 24
        HamCan permalink

        I wonder if the tranny is good in that washer?

        Adores: 2
        • 2014 September 25
          bratty innocence permalink

          Hammy….wouldn’t that depend on how badly soiled the tranny is?

          Adores: 2

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