YSaC, Vol. 1725: I wish that I had chassis girl.

2014 July 4

Trailer chassis

Giving away a metal trailer chassis that is probably 14 feet long.

Just need it removed from the property as soon as possible.

It’s probably fourteen feet long. And I’m pretty sure it’s a trailer chassis. Maybe? It’s back that way somewhere, although it might be off to the left a bit. Actually, now that I think about it, it might also be a hay rake. Or possibly some sort of trebuchet. But I definitely want it gone. Whatever it is.

Thanks for the post, Ralph!

14 Responses leave one →
  1. 2014 July 4
    Ralph permalink

    Trailer for kale or lentils,
    Or something ornamental
    No wheels, no axle, no chains
    I ain’t got no craigslist brains….

    Where’s Waldo?

    Adores: 8
  2. 2014 July 4
    MissMommyNiceNice permalink

    ‘MURICA! Hold my beer while I burn away these weeds with my fire dragon and thus acquire this probably wheeless, probably broken, definitely rusty, maybe trailer. Then I’ll shoot bottle rockets for freedom.

    Adores: 5
  3. 2014 July 4

    To get here, turn left onto Deer-Tick Drive and then right onto Tetanus Terrace.

    Adores: 7
  4. 2014 July 4

    Did I mention it comes with a cloaking device?


    Adores: 7
  5. 2014 July 4
    HamCan permalink

    Looks more like a chasswas to me…

    Adores: 7
    • 2014 July 4
      nojazzhere permalink

      “Just need it removed from the property as soon as possible.”

      …’cause if we wait too long, grass and weeds might grow up around it…..

      Adores: 6
      • 2014 July 4
        One Moving Violation permalink

        …and while you’re back there, do you think you could move that fire wood closer to my shed for me?

        Adores: 4
  6. 2014 July 4
    One Moving Violation permalink

    When I sold my last house, the money was being held in escrow until I removed the “trash” on the property. You know, lumber, sheetrock, fence posts and the like. If I didn’t make it gone by a certain date, I would forfiet my money. This may be a similar situation.

    Side note: By the way Sparky, that’s a 16′-6″ trailer chassis with 14″ tires. Anyone could tell by the photo.

    Adores: 7
  7. 2014 July 4
    Demon Duck of Doom permalink

    Hey, who took a picture of our property? I knew we had several broken down vehicles, tractors, mower attachments, carts, and other assorted pieces of defunct equipment in various stages of returning to nature, but I didn’t know a trailer chassis was one of them. Sweet!

    Adores: 3
  8. 2014 July 4

    TREBUCHET?? Just what I need for the fireworks!

    Adores: 2
  9. 2014 July 4
    One Moving Violation permalink

    Trailer it’s free, it’s bent.
    You won’t have to pay a cent.
    No lights, no brakes you’ll get.
    It won’t e-ven haul your pet.
    How it got here I can’t assume.
    I need it gone ‘cuz I need the room.
    It’s a trailer I’ve gleaned by no means
    Safe for the road.

    It’s not a whole trailer, I know it’s a frame.
    I will let you take the thing without any shame.
    Everybody else that came would just turn me down.
    They called me dumb, they called me nuts, they called me a clown!
    I post:

    Trailer for free, it’s bent.
    You wont have to pay a cent.
    No lights, no brakes you’ll get.
    It won’t e-ven haul your pet.
    How it got here I can’t assume.
    I need it gone ‘cuz I need the room.
    It’s a trailer I’ve gleaned by no means
    Safe for the road.

    You can blame this on Ralph. He gave me the earworm.

    Adores: 8
    • 2014 July 4

      And now I haz a sad.

      Daddy used to sing that song to me when I was little.


      Adores: 2
    • 2014 July 4

      All the Doors for OMV!

      Adores: 2
      • 2014 July 5
        One Moving Violation permalink

        Yeah, I was really on fire.

        *blink blink, sniff sniff*

        *blink blink, sniff sniff*


        *runs in circles*


        *runs into Taco’s bowl of pudding*

        *casts eyes toward kitchen*



        Phew! Thank you.

        *retrieves eyes*
        *rinses eyes in water*

        Wow! Good thing nobody panicked.

        Adores: 3

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