YSaC, Vol. XX
Inside Wind chime – $1
Inside wind chime, has a fan under it that blows the chime. Motor is on a timer that goes off and on through out the day. It also has a plug in for the wall.
When outdoor wind chimes aren’t irritating enough, you can spend just $1 and be irritated at random intervals during the day in the comfort of your own home.
I think this should be the start of a new category, “No wonder they are selling it” [or something along that line].
Started the “no accounting for taste” tag.
seriously. wind chimes need to die.
Amen, sistah.
(Quickly hiding all 20 wind chimes I have yet to find room for outside) Yes, I totally agree, wind chimes are, ahem, evil.
(Psst, Windrose, you can hide ’em at my house… just under the eaves there.)
If they don’t require wind, are they really wind chimes?
“Fan chimes” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
HAHA! Ring! I get it! 8)
Stagnant air chimes are the wave of the future!
“I’ll take ‘Annoying Decorations’ for $200, Alex.”
“This is the most frequent comment made about wind chimes.”
“What is ‘Blow me’. – I’ll take ‘Regretsy’ for $1000……”
Hey, I remember seeing those in that one movie… with the action. The guy rigs a bomb up that uses an electric wind chime as the timer. Of course he tries taking it out to his car on a windy day and it goes off.
Forget annoying, that’s just ugly.
The company above has wind chimes tuned to classical music, they have door harps and gongs. I love this store.
I know some people get cheap wind chimes that just make noise. I agree that those are not good. I would rather save up to buy one decent chime than have a dozen tinny chimes all over the patio. [end chime defense]
There was (long ago) a place in the old Mercado there in San Diego that made ‘bass’ wind chimes, heavy copper tubing, 3, 4, 5′ long–some even in minor keys, too.
A much more subtle, soothing sound than the tinny pekinese yapping of common chimes.
One more thing I’ll miss, having become house-less.
Oh, Capn! Sorry to hear that. Not that the job market is any better in San Diego, but we will have a room for rent in a few months. Must tolerate birds, not be allergic, cats are also allowed. 8)
And they can be pretty too!
If Karmyn shows up today,
throwescort her to the box. Thanks!What did I do?
It’s OK, Karmyn, You did good! Going to the box (top right corner of the page) is the reward for having a GREAT comment. It is one of the highest honors, second only to having Taco show you the “Jingly Taco Thong”*
*This may not be true.
Karmyn, come back this evening for your Punch! You will never forget the moment when you get your first.
Oh, the box! I thought I was being sent to the corner.
No, the corner is a completely different thing. Although if you stick around long enough, you’re bound to spend some time there. (Don’t worry, most days there are lots of chums to chat with in there)
I remember my first punch. I still have the bruise, too.
What do I have to do to get punched?
Scroll down!
Come on baby blow my chimes…
My husband is not a fan if windchimes.
Nearly every tree in the yard has one.
CJ, you and me, muy simpatico. 8)
I can hear the bells,
My head is reeling,
I can hear the bells,
I can’t stop the peeling, I can hear the bells,
Everybody warns that he won’t like me selling, but please dear buyer, take this contraption from me…*
* oh look, Nickki Blonsky
I love wind chimes, but they can be annoying to others.
“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” – Winnie the Pooh
The Wind Chimes
Two wind chimes,
one brass and prone to anger,
one with the throat of an angel,
swing from my porch eave,
sing with the storm.
Last year I lived five months
under that shrill choir,
boxing your house, crowding books
into crates, from some pages
your own voice crying.
Some days the chimes raged.
Some days they hung still.
They fretted when I dug up
the lily I gave you in April,
blooming, strangely, in fall.
Together, they scolded me
when I counted pennies you left
in each can, cup, and drawer,
when I rechecked the closets
for remnants of you.
The last day, the house empty,
resonant with space, the two chimes
had nothing to toll for.
I walked out, took them down,
carried our mute spirits home.
By Shirley Buettner
Karmyn, the best advicer on YSaC! Here’s your first Punchity Punch Punch!
G’Night, Kuta!