YSaC, Vol. XIV
2008 August 26
Male $1,280.00 O.B.O to view snake call …
There’s really nothing wrong with this listing, except that it was listed under “Electronics.” That’s one hell of an animatronic snake.
And the fact that animal sales are illegal… As is auctioning, which is implied by “best offer” ads.
Before you comment, please know the difference between illegal and not allowed on a certain website.
Also the difference between auctioning and “OBO”…
[corey] Although this is a point of contention on the “why was my post deleted?” help section of CL, it’s pretty well-established that OBO will NOT get your post deleted because it is not actually in violation of the rules of CL. If you have an asking price and you put OBO, the assumption is not that you’re trying to “auction”. Rather, the assumption is that you think you’ve arrived at a fair price, but if a potential buyer disagrees, you are willing to accept less. [/corey]
I’m glad the quality of commenting here has improved in the last 2 years.
Animal sales are illegal?!
Um…… well….you can plainly see what I said was it’s $1,280 OBO to *view* snake.
It’s in electronics because it’s just like a YouTube video except better because you get to see the snake in person!!!
Is this the same snake that crawled into a sofa and maybe died? Cause if so, that’s a good photo to use at the maybe memorial.
Actually, it is $1280 to view a snake call. Is that anything like a pig call? How do you call a snake, anyway? Or is it the snake who is doing the calling? The lack of punctuation makes it all so confusing.
Maybe the snake is using a cell phone to make its call and that’s why it’s listed in electronics.